VCU RELS 312 - Exam 4 Study Guide

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Rels 312 1st Edition Exam 4 Study Guide Lectures 13 15 Lecture 13 The Life of Mohammed 4 15 Know these dates Mohammed was born in 570 A D When he was 40 years old in 610 A D he had a religious experience where he was told that he was a prophet sent by God to the people He teaches monotheism 622 A D is the most important date in Islam Hajj pilgrimage to Medina start of the Islamic calendar Mohammed died in 632 A D Sunni 4 Caliphs chosen from faithful Muslims established the caliphate Shiite Only the last chosen Caliph Ali in 656 was related to Mohammed 661 Ali was murdered 680 Battle of Karbala martyrdom of Hussein Lecture 14 Islam cont 4 22 What are the three holy cities in Islam 1 Medina Muslims migrate for the pilgrimage 2 Mecca birthplace of Mohammed 3 Jerusalem place of Mohammed s confirmation as the last prophet Describe the night journey and its importance Mohammed emigrated from Mecca to Medina with a small group of able men It s important because it marks the end of persecution of the Muslims and the beginning of the Muslim era This annual Hijra marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar and the establishment of the Islamic State There is one God the sole and sovereign ruler of the world God is revealed through a series of prophets Moses and Jesus among them culminating in a final revelation through Mohammed in the 7th century C E What is tribal humanism The group is to be cherished and protected the out group is to be seen as suspicious potentially dangerous Define the term asabiya Group feeling or group loyalty The power that bound people together on clan and tribal levels What is meant by continuity in the context of the Islamic tradition Continuity refers to features of the culture that persist from before the time of Mohammed up through the time of revealed Islam Allah is an example of continuity because the concept of Allah was understood and existed before Mohammed and persists now Muslims believe the Quran is the literal speech of dictated without human editing Mohammed was illiterate It is believed that this was God ordained so that it could not be mistaken as a human invention but rather a direct message from God to man In Islam there seems to be a binity of the Quran and Allah deeming the Quran and Allah as one and the same both divine However this thinking is prohibited in Islam There is one God the sole and sovereign ruler of the world so the Quran can t be worship alongside Allah Other than suicide associating someone or something with God is an unpardonable sin What does Quran mean Quran means reading or recitation NOT holy book How is the Quran sectioned out There are 114 Surahs equivalent of chapters and 6 000 ayas equivalent of verses The first surah is the longest and the last is the shortest It is probably in reverse chronological order i e the first is more recent and the last is the oldest List the 5 pillars of Islam Chocolate Creams Pleasure Pilgrims Fast 1 Charity 2 Creed 3 Prayer 4 Pilgrimage 5 Fasting Someone who memorizes the entire Quran is called what Someone who memorizes the entire Quran is called Hafiz This practice comes from a passage in the Hebrew Bible that says Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You Shafiites Handlites More accommodating for life with the Quran Liberal Accommodate life to the Quran Conservative Sufism Esoteric mystical the water in the picture v Exoteric literal the picture What is the leit motif of Sufism Pure disinterested love of God A Sufi mystic aspires to a state of what A Sufi mystic aspires to a state of fana Two Sufi quotes from PPT 1 I am neither Muslim nor Christian Jew nor Zoroastrian I am neither of the earth nor of the heavens I am neither body nor soul Rumi 2 My heart has opened unto every form It is a pasture for gazelles a cloister for Christian monks a temple for idols the Ka ba of the pilgrim the tablets of the Torah and the book of the Qur an I practice the religion of love in whatsoever directions its caravans advance the religion of love shall be my religion and my faith Ibn Arabi Lecture 10 Guest Lecture 4 29 Mohammed born 570 A D in Mecca Muslims believe that Jesus was the penultimate prophet and Mohammed the last They differ from Christians in their view of Jesus as a prophet instead of the incarnate Son of God Abraham Judaism Hagar Ishmael Islam Sarai Isaac Christianity All three of these religions are referred to as Abrahamic religions Islam says they re the only true religions They share the same stories about the same prophets and they re all monotheistic They all believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of God Mohammed was the illiterate prophet and Arabic is the special chosen language of God Holy Places o Mecca Mohammed born o Medina Mohammed lived and died o Jerusalem the ascending and descending with Angel Gabriel Beliefs o To be a Muslim 2nd degree One God Angels Holy books Prophets Day of Judgment Destiny o To be a believer 1st degree Prophets and Holy Books o Abraham the Scrolls o Moses Torah o David Psalms o Jesus Gospels o Mohammed Quran Pillars o Recitation declaration of faith most important o Prayer o Fasting o Charity o Pilgrimage Mohammed 610 visited by Gabriel and the Quran was revealed to him 622 migration of Muslims to Medina Hijra Islamic calendar begins establishment of the Islamic state 632 Mohammed died dissemination of Islam Tips for reading the textbook Be able to define the terms Identify why the author chose to define those terms o The way we define terms is the way we define reality By understanding how the author views the world we can better understand the biases in the writing Good luck Hope these study guides have been helpful to you this semester

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