U of A PSYC 3023 - Final Exam Study Guide
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Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice visit www foxitsoftware com shopping PSYC 3023 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Lectures 9 11 12 13 The exam is 50 multiple choice questions and covers chapters 9 11 12 and 13 Be sure to carefully read each chapter and that you understand the major points covered in the chapter summaries There will be exam questions based on your reading that we did not explicitly discuss in class The exam will emphasize lecture material Chapter 12 Schizophrenia Psychotic Disorders Lecture Materials Understand the nature of schizophrenia including Positive versus negative symptoms Positive Symptoms presence of abnormal or excess of normal behavior p 450 Delusions beliefs that are not true Persecutory delusions the belief that you are being watched or tormented by another person Referential the belief that random events are directed at or about them Grandiose that they have a special power wealth or insight Erotomanic that another person is in love with them Delusions of thought control that someone is controlling their thoughts Capgras Syndrome someone you know has been replaced by a double Cotard s Syndrome Hallucinations Auditory hearing voices music Larry s friends Visual seeing figures or strange perceptual changes Tactile something happening to the body Somatic something happening inside your body Disorganized thought speech Derailment Incoherence word salad tangentiality neologisms made up words clangs sounds perseveration echo Disorganized or catatonic behavior an extreme lack of responsiveness to outside stimuli Negative Symptoms absence or insufficiency of normal behavior like wearing a mask p 452 Affective flattening Alogia a general lack of additional unprompted content seen in normal speech Avolition general lack of drive to perform activities or pursue meaningful goals The Genain quadruplets and how they provide an excellent case study of schizophrenia p 460 Know the statistics related to schizophrenia including p 458 Prevalence 1 AAO Often develops in early adulthood Can emerge at any time Differences between males and females Equal male female ratio AAO differences decreases with age for men but opposite for women Females better prognosis Course of illness Stress is thought to be a big stressor Understand the causes of schizophrenia including p 459 Neurochemical causes Dopamine hypothesis and its problems Neurobiological causes enlarged ventricles hypofrontality p 463 Brain structural functional abnormalities p 465 Enlarged ventricles Hypofrontality less active frontal lobes A major dopamine pathway Prenatal and Perinatal influences Influenza Stress Familial interactions p 467 Ineffective communication patterns High expressed emotion EE relapse Understand treatments for schizophrenia including p 469 Neuroleptics and their side effects Behavioral family therapy Historical Precursors Antipsychotic neuroleptic medications Reduce or eliminate positive symptoms Acute and permanent side effects Extrapyramidal and Parkinsons like symptoms Tardive Dyskinesia Behavioral Approaches Education Skill Building Social Skills Training Independent Living Skills Vocational Rehabilitation Behavioral Family Therapy Text Materials Carefully read and review chapter 12 with an emphasis on the following The cultural psychological and social influences on the development of schizophrenia p 459 Obtaining a basic understanding of the other psychotic disorders reviewed in the text Chapter 9 Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Lecture Materials Understand normal vs abnormal sexual behavior p 327 Understand the development of sexual orientation p 330 Understand gender dysphoria p 355 Formerly gender identity disorder What is Gender Dysphoria Incongruence between assigned usually at birth and experienced expressed gender Independent of sexual attraction arousal Prevalence 1 more common in men Causes unclear Biological contributions Pseudohermaphrodites Gender non conformity and socialization Understand the role of gender non conformity behavior Sex reassignment as a treatment Pre requisites live 1 2 years as the opposite sex before surgery 75 satisfied with new identity female to male convert better Describe the normal sexual response cycle p 332 Understand how sexual arousal is objectively measured and how psychophysiological and subjective arousal ratings relate to one another Penile plethysmograph Vaginal photometer Low correlation b t physiological and subjective indices of female arousal more about her level of cognition Describe how the various sexual dysfunctions are organized around the sexual response cycle Describe the biological cognitive psychological and social factors involved in sexual dysfunction p 339 Discuss Barlow s integrative model p 341 Psychological Anxiety vs distraction Cognitive Factors expectancies cue perceptions perceptions of control Under rating of arousal Attentional focus negative cognitions affect Social and Cultural Erotophobia Script theory of sexual functioning Relationship communication problems Understand psychosocial and medical treatment approaches for treating sexual dysfunction including Masters and Johnson s protocol p 342 Psychosocial Treatment Education The Case of Carl Masters and Johnson Education communication training Sensate Focus Scheduling Other techniques Medical Treatment e g Viagra Increases blood flow to the penis but doesn t create intimacy love or desire Distinguish among the paraphilias understand contributing causes e g biology learning related mechanisms p 346 351 Paraphilias Misplaced sexual attraction and arousal focus on inappropriate people or objects Name Focus Telephone scatologia Necrophilia Obscene phone calls Corpses Zoophilia Animals Coprophilia Feces Klismaphilia Enemas Urophila Urine Anomalous Activity Preferences Courtship Disorders Voyeuristic disorder peeping excitement in possibly getting caught Exhibitionist disorder flashers Frotteuristic disorder touching rubbing people without consent Sexual Arousal Associated with Pain Sexual sadism disorder sexual arousal from inflicting pain or humiliation on another person Sexual masochism disorder sexual arousal from receiving pain or humiliation Anomalous Target Preferences Directed elsewhere Fetishistic Disorder Transvestic Disorder cross dressing Directed at humans Pedophilic Disorder lower IQ less parental monitoring Prevention make sure adults children aren t alone together educate children when related

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U of A PSYC 3023 - Final Exam Study Guide

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