REI 4413 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Chapter 11 An estate for years may be converted at its conclusion into a periodic tenancy TRUE A tenant at sufferance has no right or permission to be on the property but is still not a trespasser since his original entry onto the property was legal TRUE 3 A tester who seeks to uncover illegal renting practices under the Fair Housing Act may collect money damages even though he did not intend to actually rent the premises TRUE 4 If a lease expressly prohibits assignment by the tenant the tenant cannot sublet the property FALSE 5 6 The Statute of Frauds in most states requires leases to be in writing only if they are for more than one year TRUE 7 8 A lease legally required to be in writing must include a provision stating who has the duty to keep the property repaired FALSE 9 Because a lease conveys to a tenant the exclusive right to possess the premises a landlord needs the tenant s permission to enter TRUE 10 In most states a tenant whose business becomes unprofitable as the result of governmental action may cancel the lease FALSE 1 A deed is a written or oral conveyance of real estate from one party to another FALSE A lease is not only a contract but also conveys a property interest to the lessee TRUE A lease legally required to be in writing must specify the rent TRUE 2 From the buyer s perspective it would be preferable to have a special warranty over a general warranty deed FALSE 3 Jeremy gives Mike a quitclaim deed to the Empire State Building Since Jeremy does not really own any property interest in the building Mike could sue him for rescission and damages FALSE 4 A deed must include the addresses of the grantor and grantee These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute FALSE 5 The habendum clause states what interest in land is being conveyed to the grantee TRUE 6 An exception is something taken back from the grant of real estate while a reservation is some part of the estate which is not granted FALSE 7 Generally courts are not concerned with the adequacy of consideration stated in a deed TRUE 8 An acknowledgment made by a notary of the grantor s and the witnesses signatures is not required to make a deed legally valid TRUE 9 A will that has been properly executed is effective upon delivery to the beneficiaries during the testator s life FALSE 10 The tax on proceeds from the sale of real estate is sometimes deferred TRUE 11 A holographic will is one approved by a religious institution FALSE 12 Dower and homestead laws insure that a wife will have a home during the life of her husband FALSE
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