KU PHIL 180 - The Doctrine of " New Man"
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PHIL 180 1st Edition Lecture 25 Phil 180 Review session for Exam 2 Marx Problems with Capitalism according to Marx 1 Exploitation Concept of Surplus Value 2 Needs 3 To each according to his needs principle 3 Alienation Marx s Philosophy of History Different stages of humanity Primitive Communism Slave Society Feudalism Capitalism and Communism Describe each of them Inherent Contradictions of Capitalism 1 Workers class consciousness 2 Competition among capitalists and wages Communism How does humanity get there Why is it better than capitalism Alienation Social classes state and social cooperation under communism The doctrine of The New Man Multiculturalism Three stages in the debate 1 Communitarianism liberalism 2 Different kinds of liberalism 3 Benign Neglect approach to social issues Charles Milles How and why would you classify Charles Mills within this framework Feminism Problems with the gender neutral account of discrimination Problems with the Public Private approach to feminism Give specific examples Catherine McKinnon Problem with the dominant theories of state Marxism and Liberalism Examples of how women have been oppressed under liberal states Pornography Prostitution Rape Can Mackinnon be classified as someone who attacks the gender neutral approach to feminism Why Why not World Poverty Garret Hardin Spaceship Metaphor of the Earth vs Life Boat Metaphor of the Earth Reasons why we should not help the poor according to Hardin Carrying capacity of the earth overpopulation tragedy of the commons Peter Singer What is his main thesis Steps to prove his main thesis Child in the pond analogy Possible objections against Singer and how he addresses them Thomas Pogge Difference between Pogge and Singer Possible ways in which we are harming the poor in the world The case of trade borrowing privilege resource privilege Climate Justice Peter Singer Global Warming Historical Principle Time Slice Principle Happiness Principle Practical solutions that each of them would lead to Simon Caney The Polluter Pays Principle Problems with the PPP Principle The Ability to Pay Principle

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KU PHIL 180 - The Doctrine of " New Man"

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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