UH KIN 3305 - Race/ Ethnicity in Sport

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KIN 3305 1st Edition Lecture 24 Race and Ethnicity in Sport Outline of Previous Lecture I Spectator Aggression or Fan Violence cont II Situational factors contributing to fan violence III Celebratory Riots Violence IV Fan Enjoyment and Violence V New Forms of Violence VI Athletes and On the Field Violence VII Masculinity and Violence VIII Femininity and Violence IX Violence as Strategy X Commercialization and Sport Violence Outline of Current Lecture I Spectator Aggression or Fan Violence cont II Situational factors contributing to fan violence III Celebratory Riots Violence IV Fan Enjoyment and Violence V New Forms of Violence VI Athletes and On the Field Violence VII Masculinity and Violence VIII Femininity and Violence IX Violence as Strategy X Commercialization and Sport Violence Current Lecture I II Audiovisual Race in Sports a Jack Johnson boxer who is he i After he beat a white boxer there was a huge racial uprising b Jackie Robinson 2nd most favorite athlete in U S did things right Basic Terms a Race a category of people regarded as socially distinct because they share genetically transmitted traits i Involves a reference to physical traits These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III b Ethnicity the cultural hertage of a particular group of people i Based on characteristics associated with cultural traditions and background c Minority a socially identified population that must suffer disadvantages due to systemic discrimination i Social togetherness exist due to shared experience Race Logic and Ideology a According to Coakley 2015 white Europeans developed racial theories about people of color based on i Preconceived notions ii Stereotypes iii Faulty scientific analyses b Classification Systems Created i Physical appearance ii Culture c Physicality among people of color was linked to intellectual inferiority and arrested development d Unfounded theories and notions were integrated into Darwin s model of human evolution known as Social Darwinism e Social Darwinism contended that white skinned people were superior beings who deserved to be in positions of power authority and control f Race Logic i A convenient way for colonial powers to control and dominate people of color Hoberman 1992 ii Facilitated white European political economic and social agendas e g voting rights land ownership etc iii Maintained that white skinned people were intellectually superior and that people of color were animal like savages iv Enabled whites to kill without guilt and subjugate put down darkskinned natives and indigenous people for the purpose of making them civilized v Employed to civilize and colonize lands inhabited by Black Africans East Indians Native Americans and inhabitants of Mexico Central and South America vi Justified international slave trade and institutionalized African American enslavement vii Race logic and mutated ethnic ideologies can supersede skin color viii Intertribal strife and mass genocide Africa ix Aryan Nordic supremacy Germany x ethnic cleansing among Serbs Croats and Muslims in BosnianHerzegovina Conflict Kosovo g Constructed Race Logic i Diverse groups subjected to nonwhite identity ideology 1 Jewish Irish Italian Chinese Japanese Natives h Race Ideology i An interrelated set of ideas that people use to give meaning to skin color and to evaluate people in terms of racial classification 1 Takes on new forms based on situational factors in society and sport 2 Used to justify the status quo ii Black boxers were said to have thicker skulls than whites Hoberman 1992 1 They could not be bruised or broken by a white man s fist iii Media Depictions 1 The media can perpetuate stereotypes and preconceived notions in both society and sport a Many take the words of sports reporters commentators at face value 2 Stereotypes often go unchallenged and are often perpetuated a Unfavorable media depictions of Joe Louis 3 Prior to his 1935 title fight with Italian champion Primo Carnera Louis the former heavyweight champion of the world and longest holder of the crown was described by U S sportswriters as savage and animalistic 4 Paul Gallico a The magnificent animal he eats He sleeps He fights Is he all instinct all animal Or have a hundred million years left a 5 Barney in History of Physical Education and Sport highlighted the much celebrated bout between 6 Minority Women a Don Imus charged and polarizing on air comments nappy headed ho s 7 Print and Broadcast Media a Powerful vehcles for shaping what people think act and interpret their social worlds 8 Discrimination and Anti Asian Sentiments a Asian women golfers killing our tour Jan Stevenson b Korean and Japanese female golfers said to lack emotional expressiveness refuse to speak English neglect to speak to fans 9 Cultural Insensitivity and Ignorance a Language barriers and cultural orientations are factors b Misconceptions and Eurocentric views

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UH KIN 3305 - Race/ Ethnicity in Sport

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