U of A PSYC 2003 - Psychology Jeopardy final review

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Psychology Jeopardy Final Review Wilhelm Wundt Who established psychology as an independent discipline Who created psychotherapy Who identified four stages of cognitive development Who is the father of adolescent psychology This perspective is most likely to study the thoughts associated with information processing What is the behaviorist perspective What is the cognitive perspective What is the structuralist perspective What is the Gestalt perspective He is considered the father of behavioral psychology Who is Who is Who is Who is Sigmund Freud Albert Bandura Alfred Binet B F Skinner This procedure helps ensure that participants in research are representative of a larger population What is What is What is What is experimentation naturalistic observation random sampling replication Making sure the participants understand all the requirements risks and benefits What is What is What is What is informed consent debriefing confidentiality animal research Understanding the behavior of animals simplicity of animal physiology being unable to do some types of research on humans all explain this What is why do psychologists engage in the scientific method What is why psychologists must provide a humane death for animal subjects used in research What is why psychologists use human subjects more often than animal subjects What is why psychologists conduct research with animals It assumes that events are governed by some lawful order What is the scientific approach What is the fundamental attribution error What is the theory of evolution What is the search for truth In experimental research this element is manipulated or varied to determine its effect What is What is What is What is the the the the dependent variable operational definition hypothesis independent variable This is the only research method in which you can infer a cause and effect relationship What is the correlational research method What is the case history research method What is the experimental research method What is the descriptive research method A correlation of 70 between children s physical height and their popularity among peers indicates this What is being unusually short or tall has a negative impact on children s popularity What is children s height has no causal impact on their popularity What is higher levels of popularity among peers are associated with greater physical height in children What is there is no statistically significant relationship between children s height and their popularity Chemical messengers released into the synaptic gaps between neurons What are What are What are What are axons dendrites somas neurotransmitters This is a brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron What is What is What is What is an action potential a synapse an agonist a refractory period This is a junction between a sending neuron and a receiving neuron What is What is What is What is a a a a neurotransmitter dendrite synapse soma The direction in which sensory information is transmitted to the brain along a single neuron via an electrical signal What is dendrites to the axon to the cell body What is axon to the cell body to the dendrites What is dendrites to the cell body to the axon What is axon to the dendrites to the cell body These make up the central nervous system What are sensory and motor neurons What are somatic and autonomic nervous systems What are sympathetic and parasympathetic branches What are the brain and spinal cord This system relays messages via hormones to such entities as the ovaries and testes What is the What is the What is the system What is the system endocrine system somatic system sympathetic nervous central nervous The surgical removal of a tumor from Danny s occipital lobe resulted in loss of brain tissue and he is most likely to suffer from some loss of this What is muscular coordination What is visual perception What is speaking ability What are pain sensations These lobes receive the input that tells you that your back is being scratched What are the occipital lobes What are the temporal lobes What are the frontal lobes What are the parietal lobes To demonstrate that brain stimulation can make a rat violently aggressive a neuroscientist would stimulate this What is What is What is What is the the the the reticular formation cerebellum medulla amygdala It causes a response once paired with a unconditioned stimulus What is an unconditioned stimulus What is a conditioned stimulus What is an unconditioned response What is a conditioned response This Gestalt principle explains why we recognize objects as having a consistent form regardless of viewing angle What is What is What is What is sensation similarity perceptual constancy closure This is the process of pulling information out of memory What is What is What is What is encoding storage retrieval forgetting Abraham Maslow suggested that we achieve this when we have fulfilled our potential What is What is What is What is regard reciprocal determinism locus of control self actualization unconditional positive According to Freud these are used by the ego to prevent threatening impulses from being consciously recognized What are What are What are What are defense mechanisms psychosexual stages free associations icebergs Jim experiences this when he knows smoking is bad for his health but continues to do it What is What is What is What is cognitive dissonance internal locus of control positive reinforcement self serving bias Jana is making this attribution when claims she failed the final exam because the test was unreasonable What is attitudinal attribution What is internal or personal attribution What is fundamental attribution What is external or situational attribution A person changes their behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard What is What is What is What is conformity compliance obedience attitude adjustment A person is making inappropriate generalizations about people based on their group membership What is What is What is What is ethnocentrism discrimination deindividuation prejudice Even ordinary people who lack hostility can become agents of destruction What is the fundamental Asch s experiments What is the fundamental Bandura s experiments What is the fundamental Milgram s experiments What is the fundamental Wundt s experiments lesson of lesson of lesson of lesson of This term is tied to heredity while this term is tied to experience What is behavior mental processes What is nature nurture

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U of A PSYC 2003 - Psychology Jeopardy final review

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