U of A PSYC 2003 - Psychology Final Review

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Psychology The scientific study of behavior and mental processes Wilhelm Wundt 1st psych lab in Leipzig Germany in 1879 His form of Psychology was Structuralism breaking down parts of different things Edward Titchner brought Wundt s Structuralism to America Introspection what you report in your mind William James American psychologist 1st lab in the US Made Functionalism which is what something does Behaviorism John Watson Rosalie Raynor Little Albert came from Raynor and Watson Ivan Pavlov B F Skinner Classical Conditioning Pavlov Acquisition Learning Extinction Spontaneous Recovery Operant Conditioning Skinner Unconditioned Stimulus Unconditioned Response Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response Reinforcement Positive and Negative Punishment Positive and Negative Schedules of Reinforcement Fixed Ratio Fixed Interval Variable Ratio Variable Interval Humanistic Psych Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Carl Rodgers Client Centered Therapy Unconditioned Positive Regard Psychosexual Analysis Sigmund Freud Levels of Consciousness Conscious Unconscious Preconscious Personality Id Ego Superego Psychosexual Stages Oral Anal Phallic Latent Genital Freud s defense mechanisms Repression most important Regression Reaction Formation Projection Displacement Rationalization Displacement Carl Jung Former student of Sigmund Freud Introversion Extraversion Believes you are essentially one or the other Trait Theorists Eysencks The Big Five Personality Traits CANOE Consciousness Agreeableness Neuroticism Openness Extraversion Rorschach Test Thematic Appreciation Test TAT Minnesota Multi Phasic Personality Inventory MMPI Most commonly used today Developmental Psych Jean Piget Stage Theorist Cognitive Development Association Assimilation Sensorimotor Pre Operational Concrete Operational Formal Operational According to Piget when a child can now reason logically what stage is he in Social Emotional Development Trust vs Mistrust Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt Initiative vs Guilt Industry vs Inferiority Identity vs Identity Confusion Intimacy vs Isolation Intimacy Isolation Gernativity vs Stagnation Temperament Easy Difficult Slow to warm up children Attachment Styles Aislyn attachment theory Types of Parenting Authoritative encourages you to be independent Authoritarian very strict parent controls everything Neglectful Permissive Biology Neuron Dendrite Axon Soma Terminal Button Synapse Neurotransmitter Serotonin Dopamine Acetycholine Re uptake SSRI Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Receptors Agonists Antagonists Myelin Sheath Action Potential Threshold Central Nervous System Brain Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Parasympathetic Sensory Neurons Motor Neurons Interneurons Endocrine System Pituitary Gland only gland in the brain Adrenal Gland adrenaline boosters EEG measures brain wave activity PET MRI FMRI looking at the brain Brainstem Cerebellum little brain processes sensory input Thalamus Cerebral Cortex Frontal Lobe who you are Parietal Lobe attention span Temporal Lobe hearing Occipital Lobe vision Limbic System Amygdala Hippocampus Hypothalamus Association Areas areas of the brain with specific tasks Phineas Gage injury frontal cortex importance railroad Plasticity brains way to take over a certain part in your brain if it stops functioning Hemispheres Left Right Corpus Callasum cutting brain in half left will not be able to respond with right Left side of brain controls right side of body and vice versa Sleep Circadian Rhythm REM Sleep Beta Alpha Theta Delta Drugs Depressants Alcohol Barbiturates Opiates Stimulants Amphetamines Caffeine Cocaine Nicotine Ecstasy Hallucinogen Marijuana THC Synergistic Effect when two drugs amplify eachother alcohol with opiates Most common with depressants Biopsychosocial Approach EXAMPLE Dr Jones used blank addiction when figuring out Ivette s problem He used this and this and this Memory Recall Recognition Atkinson and Schrifrin Baddeley Sensory Memory Short Term Memory working memory Long Term Memory Mneumonics Chunking Serial Position Effect Anterograde Amnesia from this forward cannot create new memories Retrograde Amnesia Cannot remember anything from the past Confirmation Bias saying that you knew something was going to happen When people think they know something when they really don t Buying a lottery ticket im gonna win don t win I knew I wouldn t win Preconceived idea sets in prejudice or overconfidence Intelligence Quotient IQ Stanford Binet Test age 10 mental actual age 0 FRANCE Reliability test can be replicated experiment can be replicated answers are same Validity test will test what it is supposed to test Homeostasis balance Social Psychology Solomon Asch Conformity peer pressure Stanly Milgram Obedience shock study power of authority Philip Zimbardo Stanford Prison Study role playing Albert Bandura Observation Modeling Bobo Doll Kitty Genovese Bystander Effect Medical Model Depression Anxiety DSM IV TR book about all of psychology Bi polar Disorder Schizophrenia Phobias Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Dissociative Personality Split Personality Disorder Body Dimorphic Disorder Anti Social Personality Dorothea Dix

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U of A PSYC 2003 - Psychology Final Review

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