U of A PSYC 2003 - Final Exam Review-Psychology

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Final Exam Review Psychology Chapter 6 Anything that translates the physical energy into a psychological experience Sensation perception Waves of light vibrating particles Transduction Complementary process brain and mind working together to help you understand Acoustical Transduction Temporal lobe 4 Gestalt WHOLE Principles helps the brain understand things as a whole Contingency continuity Closure idea close things off and make since of them Making images Similarity grouping putting things into categories Proximity space distance lumping things off Gestalt philosophy within psychology Brains can create forms Chapter 9 Cognition Mental processing thinking having a thought memory Model for how we learn and attain information Algorithms systematic step by step problem solving solution Good Guaranteed solution Bad take forever Heuristic go to method Mental shortcut Getting to a solution much more quickly Chapter 10 Intelligence IQ Intelligence Quotient Developmentally standardized Influenced by biology adopted IQ will take after biological parents Having a low intelligence quotient does not mean you are dumb It is only another number construct 100 is average score for IQ test Stanford Benet EQ Emotional Intelligence How well you communicate with others Personality Traits Chapter 11 Motivation Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs GOAL become self actualized Maslow everyone should have the goal to be self actualized ultimate health 2 MAIN TYPES OF MOTIVATION Affiliation want to belong the feeling to belong Achievement want to reach that goal

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U of A PSYC 2003 - Final Exam Review-Psychology

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