Chapter 1 Overview to Understanding Abnormal 1 in 4 adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year 6 suffer from a serious mental illness mental disorders are the leading cause of disability in the US and Canada for ages 15 44 many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time nearly half of those with any mental disorder meet criteria for 2 or more disorders criteria for a psychological disorder o clinical significance o distress o behavior cannot be a socially expectable response o psychological or biological disturbance o behavior cannot be defined in terms of social rebellion of deviance causes of abnormal behavior o biological genetic inheritance physiological changes exposure to exotic substances o psychological past learning experiences maladaptive thought patterns difficulties coping with stress o sociocultural social policies discrimination stigma Stigma a label hat causes certain people to be regarded as different defective and set apart from mainstream members of society Biopsychosocial perspective assumes that biological socio cultural and psychological factors combine and interact to produce psychological disorders o when this individual engages in risky behavior their vulnerability to developing abnormal behavioral tendencies is heightened Spiritual Approach regard psychological disorders as the product of possession by evil or demonic spirits Humanitarian Approach regard psychological disorders as the result of cruelty stress or poor living conditions o moral treatment o mental hygiene movement o Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Health Center Construction Act o Deinstitutionalization movement promoted the release of psychiatric patients into community treatment sites o Advocacy groups National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI Mental Health Association o Antistigma programs part of efforts to improve the delivery of mental health services Dorothea Dix sought to improve the treatment of people with mental disorders Scientific Approach o Hippocrates ca 460 377 b c founder of Modern Medicine Believed the body contained 4 fluids called humours red yellow black and green Illness occurs when the fluids are imbalanced o Claudius Galen a d 130 200 anatomical studies Phlegmatic Green Sanguine Red Choleric Yellow Melancholic Black o Benjamin Rush 1745 1813 Argued that illness was the result of imbalances in the body s physical system and was caused by malfunctions in the brain Blood letting His approach prepared the way for later medical research Promoted clean environments o Medical Perspective Philippe Pinel 1745 1826 From France Insisted that madness was not due to demonic possession but an ailment of the mind o Sigmund Freud 1856 1939 o Ivan Pavlov 1849 1936 o B F Skinner 1904 1990 o Positive psychology perspective that emphasizes the potential for growth and change throughout life Research Methods in Psychology o Scientific method Objectivity Testing ideas about the nature of psychological phenomena without bias before accepting these ideas as adequate explanations Ideal approach involves a set of steps in which the psychologist Proposes a hypothesis Conducts a study Collects and analyzes the date o Experimental Design Independent variable the variable whose level is controlled by the experimenter Dependent variable the variable whose value is he outcome of the experimenters manipulation of the independent variable Quasi experimental Placebo condition condition in an experiment in which participants receive a treatment similar to the experimental treatment but lacking the key feature of the treatment of interest Double blind an experimental procedure in which neither the person giving the treatment nor the person receiving the treatment knows whether the participant is in the experimental group or control group o Correlation Design Correlation statistic Positive correlations Negative correlations o Survey o Lab study o Case study o Single case experimental design o Behavioral genetics Chapter 2 Classification and Treatment Plans Psychologist healthcare professional offering psychological services Client person seeking psychological services o people in treatment collaborate with those who treat them o patient carries with it the connotation of a passive rather than active participant the clinician o person providing the treatment Psychiatrists people with degrees in medicine MDs Receive specialized advanced training in diagnosing and treating people with psychological disorders Clinical Psychologist a mental health professional with training in the behavioral sciences who provides direct service to clients o Two types of doctorates in psychology Doctor of philosophy PhD Doctor of psychology PsyD Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM o A book published by the American Psychiatric Association that contains standard terms and definitions of psychological disorders o Reliability the degree to which clinicians provide diagnoses consistently across individuals who have a particular set of symptoms o Validity the extent to which a test diagnosis or rating accurately and distinctly characterizes a persons psychological status o Axis a class of information in the DSM IV regarding an aspect of the individuals functioning o Multiaxial system a multidimensional classification and diagnostic system that summarizes a variety of relevant information about an individuals physical and psychological functioning Axis I Clinical Disorders Axis II Personality disorders and mental retardation Axis III General medical conditions Axis IV Psychosocial and environmental problems Axis V Global assessment of functioning helps assess prognosis numbers Culture Bound Syndromes recurrent patterns of abnormal behavior or experience that are limited to specific societies or cultural areas Principle Diagnosis the disorder that is considered to be the primary reason the individual seeks professional help Comorbid the situation that occurs when multiple diagnostic conditions occur simultaneously within the same individual Differential Diagnosis the process of systematically ruling out alternative diagnosis Case Formulation a clinicians analysis of the factors that might have influenced the clients current psychological status Cultural Formulation includes the clinicians assessment of the clients degree of identification with the culture of origin Treatment Plan o The outline for how therapy should take place o Goals Immediate Short term
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