UA GY 339 - gy339 notes

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09 17 2013 Ambient Based on end result a measurable scientifically defined number Technology not measuring as a result it s do you have the right technology in place If yes great Emission attainable standard to cut ex 50 you have to show that you re trying 09 17 2013 Test on Tuesday Multiple choice 15 1pt each short answer 4 5 pts each 3 5 sentances tell her what it is and give her an example given 3 essays pick 1 essay 20 points do a plan and then write it do an outline first if you attempt all 4 short answer you get an extra point Only on topics 1 and 2 no soil nothing from today or Tuesday some topics she typically tests on 1 conservation short answer or essay remember conservation definition and know who said it what did they say Aldo Leopold was an American scientist who stated that conservation is a state of harmony between man and nature and was known for his idea of a basic respect between man and our natural resources Although we are past the point of maintainance and must aggressively address the problems that we have a respect for natural resources is a method of conservation that will always work 2 policy approaches short answer or essay what they are what that means push pull prod 3 limit to growths meadows tragedy of the commons readings and what those are know how to explain each in a few sentances 4 approaches to natural resource management there are 4 exploitation preservation utilitarian sustainable 1 5 focused on the idea of crisis are we in a crisis opinionated question and give reasons why is it felt more in well developed or less developed countries 6 decade of the environment and environmental laws policy statement to law to regulations ex missed this lecture 7 optimist pessimists moderists ties into crisis what are the views that can be taken as to solve it 8 brief historic recap from 1800s up to today 9 biological principles of sustainability things that every healthy biological practices efficiency frugality etc probably short answer know 4 or 5 and examples 09 17 2013 Aquatic Zones interested all perform a variety of function and this is part of the reason why it s hard to manage these areas we re seeing more desalidation recreational component is pretty obvious economic portion of recreation is huge fishing industry worth billions watersports everyone 1 Wetlands crucial for a number of reasons almost all of our aquatic systems live at least a part of their lifecycles in wetland areas spawning areas o At some point in the year all spaces within the media is saturated support under current law wetlands cannot be drained determination whether a wetland or not has huge economic value how much you will make if it is a wetland economically less significant if we have saturated conditioned most of the time so that waterloving plants can live that s enough to classify it as a wetland o Water table moves with the topography of the land to some extent transitional water tables are dynamic surfaces as you get more rainwater the water table will rise if you have higher temperatures or drought the water table will drop lower Wetlands most important in terms of natural functions that they perform Immense amount Coastal wetland systems are some of the most diverse areas that we have Problems arise from the fact that we have drained and changed land use that previously absorbed water ex flooding in Louisiana Definition of wetland areas that are inundated or saturated don t care if water is coming from below or above if it has water most of the time to support vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil types it is considered a wetland inundated by groundwater or saturated by surface water Wetlands and deepwater habitats o Marine o Estuarine o Riverine o Lacustrine o Palustrine only one that is just wetlands Wetland functions Hydrologic Processes she considers this the most important part of wetland function whole flood and storm water control vegetation typically binds sediment together stores and acts as a sponge reduces speed at which water runs across the surface of the earth lower storm runoff peak reduce magnitude of flooding o base flow acts as a buffer that stores water and then releases it to groundwater deposits ex black warrior river when there is no rainfall the water in the river comes from groundwater without this function we will see less and less of o without wetlands we see loss of base flow o Water Quality Improvement Wildlife habitat o Corresponding ecosystem services o Intermittent stream water isn t always in it 09 17 2013 when managing a resource we should be concerned with quantity and quality When dealing with water we can t get away with one without thinking about the other QUANTITY AND QUALITY Low flows minimum amount of water we need in our system at all times to maintain its ecosystem function critically important Throughout the state of Alabama we are continuously working on determining low flows There are different users of the resource if water is managed properly all of the users will be happy Water resource management is not new but what is new is that the quantity and quality issues are so closely linked that Incredible water resources and biodiversity in Alabama We have abundance and nothing regulating its use We do not have a water policy that says how much water we have and what we can cannot do our low flows that we must maintain Right now water quality is managed in a number of ways THESE ARE REGULATIONS we classify a body of water in terms of what North river has funding bc its on the 303d list North rivers standards higher bc it flows into lake Tuscaloosa drinking water The criteria for making the 303d list When a body of water has changed enough that it no longer meets the criteria for its designated use Huge drinking water supply from lake Tuscaloosa north river As a template for the rest of the state its been a success every time north river is mentioned it is the golden child in terms of watershed management geological survey instrumental in collecting data manage the land around it Watershed management defined by nature it s a natural boundary Watershed approach has to work better than any other because its defined by nature In order to manage this resource we must manage the land around it this is the way of the future what s being pushed in terms of management this approach works so well because its voluntary no one imposing the overall goals must be the same everyone must be in agreement that we need to best water

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