MARK 3321 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Product Line Pricing II The Role of Promotion III Marketing Communication IV Communication Process V Characteristics of the Elements in the Promotional Mix VI AIDA Concept VII Promotional Mix and AIDA VIII Integrated Marketing Communications IX Factors affecting the Promotional Mix X Push vs Pull Strategy Outline of Current Lecture I Advertising II Major Types of Advertising III Product Advertising IV Creative Decisions in Advertising V The DAGMAR Approach VI Common Advertising Appeals VII Unique Selling Proposition VIII Media Decisions in Advertising IX The Internet and Alternative Media X Media Selection Considerations XI Media Scheduling XII Public Relations XIII Public Relations Tools XIV Sales Promotion XV Tools for Consumer Sales Promotion Current Lecture CH 16 Advertising Public Relations and Sales Promotions Advertising o Impersonal one way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid for by a marketer P G is world s largest advertiser These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Major Types of Advertising o Institutional advertising o Product advertising o o Pioneering Stimulates primary demand for new product or category Used in the PLC introductory stage Competitive Influence demand for brand in the growth phase of the PLC Often uses emotional appeal Comparative Compares two or more competing brands product attributes Used if growth is sluggish or if competition is strong Creative decisions in advertising o Advertising campaign Touts the benefits of a specific good or service Product Advertising o Enhances a company s image rather than promotes a particular product A series of related advertisements focusing on a common theme slogan and set of advertising appeals o 1 Determine advertising objectives o 2 Make creative decisions make media decisions o 3 Evaluate the campaign Setting objectives The DAGMAR Approach o 1 Define target audience o 2 Define desired percentage change o 3 Define time frame for change Common Advertising Appeals Unique Selling Proposition o A desirable exclusive and believable advertising appeal selected as the theme for a campaign Media decisions in Advertising o Newspapers Short lead times o Magazines o Radio Short lead times o Television o Outdoor media Geographically specific The Internet and Alternative Media o o Internet Fastest growing of major ad media Key advantages are ability to reach a narrow target audience and short lead times at a moderate cost Advergaming Mobile advertising Alternative media Cut through clutter Advertainments Could be on sides of buses Media selection considerations o Cost per contact o Reach o Frequency o Audience selectivity o Medium flexibility o Noise level o Medium life span Media scheduling o Continuous o Flighted o Pulsing o Seasonal Public relations o The element in the promotional mix that Evaluates public attitudes Identifies issues of public concern Public relations tools o New product publicity o Product placement o Consumer education o Sponsorship o Company web sites Managing unfavorable publicity o Crisis management Marketing communication activities other than advertising personal selling and public relations in which a short term incentive motivates a purchase Sales promotion o Consumer sales promotion o o Ultimate consumer market Goal Drive immediate purchase Influence behavior Trade sales promotion A coordinated effort to handle the effects of unfavorable publicity or of an unfavorable event Sales promotion o Executes programs to gain public acceptance Marketing channel members Tools for Trade Sales Promotion o Trade allowance o A price reduction offered by manufacturers to intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers Push money Money offered to channel intermediaries to encourage them to push products that is to encourage other members of the channel to sell the products Coupons and rebates o o Coupon A certificate that entitles consumer to an immediate price reduction when they buy the product 1 3 of coupons are redeemed Rebates o Premium A cash refund given for the purchase of a product during a specific period An extra item offered to the consumer usually in exchange for some proof of purchase of the promoted product Tools for consumer sales promotion o Loyalty marketing programs o Frequent buyer programs Contests and sweepstakes Sweepstakes are based on chance o Sampling o Point of purchase promotion o P O P displays Online sales promotion
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