WKU GEOG 110 - Exam 3 Study Guide
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GEOG 110 1st Edition Exam 3 Study Guide North America and Canada Ch 6 Lecture notes Intro o All about power territory and resources o Controls weaker countries in order to get what they want i e put a dictator in change in Iraq Leads to bigger social issues in that country and in US but US pretends it wasn t them and ignores real issue that they caused o Climate change is denied because it will force economics to change Americans are afraid of change Change happens because of rights and responsibilities Healthcare a service that is becoming a business o Actually a Republican idea o Rating of healthcare is based on how a country takes care of those who can t take care of themselves Birthrates and death rates o US has best healthcare in the world for the rich poor don t get help Civil War o North had a stronger economy because all people contributed economically o South had slaves which could not contribute economically making the South weaker To this day still harder to live in because it is easy to manipulate Trade and economic integration is a better route than war o Examples Civil war resulted from lack of integration North American Act of 1867 proves this method is true Us vs Iraq Iran is an unnecessary war because of lack of integration Occupy Wall Street vocab term o Control companies corruption with money o Chaos poor people fighting back for equality War on Terror o US terrorizes itself with fear Increase crimes hate crimes Unstable economy Media making it worse Increased defense budget and cut education funds for no solid reason o Terrorist never got control o Truth is greater than the weak minded the people who act out and create issues over no real threat Corruption o US is ranked 17 175 o Is beating people into submission instead of providing opportunities for the poor and uneducated o Crime is actually going down in US Media encourages hate crimes by publicizing them More immigrants less violent crimes Hate crimes mostly against Jewish and Islamic BB Content News articles o Reviving Old Industries Farms down south are making clothing out of the cotton they grow themselves cutting out middle man Reduces greenhouse emissions by keeping all steps of production local o Stockpiles in Hershey Pennsylvania Increased prices because of Ebola scare Afraid production would decrease if farmers became sick Other media o Endangered Species Changing in economies due to climate change and endangered species act Timber industry affected by the endangered spotted owl o Have to protect its habitat o Canada Nunavut Indigenous people that were forced from their home because of hydroelectric project that eroded island Changing the water flow has affected rivers streams and fish populations o Also created pollution o Quabecquois Language barrier French is being prioritized over English French speakers want to preserve their culture possibly succeed from Canada Ch 6 Key Terms Acid rain precipitation that has mixed with air pollution to produce rain that contains levels of acidity sulfuric acid that are harmful to vegetation and aquatic life Al Qaeda a global militant Islamist organization that operates as a network composed of a multinational stateless army and a radical Muslim movement American Revolution The 13 original colonials declaring freedom from Britain because of taxation without representation the taxes were due to the cost of the seven years war French and Indian war fought to protect the colonies Americanization a process by which a generation of individuals born elsewhere felt less loyalty and fewer cultural ties to their countries of origin and developed a new ethos with ties to the US Assimilation the process by which people of different cultural backgrounds who occupy a common territory achieve sufficient solidarity to sustain a national existence Cap and Trade Program regulatory systems in which the cap is a government imposed limit on carbon emissions emission permits or quotas are given or sold to states or firms and the trade occurs when unused permits are sold by those who have been able to reduce their emissions beyond their quota to those who have been unable to meet their quota Carbon footprint a method of estimating how much an individual region or a country is contributing to global climate change through its greenhouse gas emissions Cartel a collection of independent businesses formed to regulate production prices and marketing Confederate States of America the government founded by the southern states of the US in 1861 with the goal of seceding from the Union the division from the Northern States was rooted in slavery and economic issues Creative destruction the withdrawal of investments from activities and regions that yield low rates or profit in order to reinvest in new activities and places Deindustrialization the decline in industrial employment in core regions as firms scale back activities in response to lower levels of profitability Democracy an egalitarian form of government in which all citizens determine public policy and the laws and the actions of their state and all citizens have a right to express their opinions Europeanization a process by which a non European subject gradually adopts the cultural norms of European countries Federal System political authority divided between autonomous sets of governments one national and the others at lower levels such as states provinces county city and town in a federal system many decisions are made in the local levels French and Indian War A conflict in North America 1754 1763 among European colonial groups who were vying for control over Indigenous lands also called the Seven Years War Genetically Modified Organisms an organism that has had its DNA modified in a laboratory rather than through cross pollination or other forms of evolution Government an entity that has the power to make and enforce laws Greenhouse Gases emissions such as methane and nitrous oxide produced by usage of fossil fuels that contribute to global climate change Hate Crimes an act of violence committed because of prejudice against women homosexuals or ethnic racial and religious minorities Indentured Servant an individual bound by contract to the service of another for a specific term they were used in the US before slaves were brought in Informational Technology the use of computer systems for storing retrieving and sending information Intermontane a set of basins plateaus and smaller ranges that lie between Mountains Internal

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