KU PSYC 104 - Exam 4 Study Guide
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Psyc 104 1st Edition Exam 4 Study Guide Units 13 15 2 Unit 13 Social Psychology scientific study about how we feel towards think about and behave towards the people surrounding us and how they influence us Social Situation the people we interact with Social Cognition human thinking that helps us understand and predict our own behavior Attitudes our assessments of people or things Social Norms what we should do in social settings Stereotyping a thought assume personality traits based on group membership Prejudice a negative feeling dislike due to appearance or group membership Discrimination a behavior actually saying or doing something negative towards someone or a group Self fulfilling prophecy our expectations towards the personality features that lead us to behave in ways that make those beliefs come true Social Identity positive emotions as a result of our group memberships Stereotype Threat concerns about and expectation being confirmed that a person will not do well relative to stereotypical high performing groups Close Relationships long term intimate relationship Interpersonal Attraction what makes people like each other Self disclosure communicating frequently in an accepting manner Proximity extent to how physically near people are to us Mere Exposure prefer stimuli that we have seen more frequently Commitment feelings and actions that allow partners to work together to maintain a close relationship with mutual expectations and response to each other s needs Causal Attribution trying to determine the cause of a person s behavior by learning about their personalities Dispositional Attribution cause of behavior was due to characteristics that reside with the individual Situational Attribution behavior was caused by the situation Self serving Attributions judging the cause of your own behavior in positive ways Fundamental Attribution Error overvaluing the role of dispositional factors and overlooking the impact of situations in judging other people Attitude evaluations of people and things Self monitoring regulate your own behavior to meet demands of social situations Self perception use our own behavior to guide us and determine our thoughts and feelings Cognitive Dissonance distress when we behave in inappropriate ways Altruism behavior to increase someone s welfare Reciprocal Altruism helping people now so they will help us in the future Social Responsibility norm we should try to help others without future payback Diffusion of Responsibility assuming that others will take actions so we don t have to Aggression intended to harm someone else Displaced Aggression directed at someone who causes frustration Catharsis observing or engaging in less harmful aggressive actions with reduce the need to act in a more harmful way later Desensitization show weaker emotional reactions to emotional stimuli Culture of Honor social norm that encourages responding to insults with aggression Conformity change in beliefs as a result of the people around you Obedience conforming to those in positions of authority Minority Influence a smaller group is able to influence the opinions of the larger group Psychological Reactance an emotional reaction that leads people to conform to the norm Social Facilitation performing tasks better in the presence of others Social Inhibition performing tasks poorly in the presence of others Group Process the events that occur while a group is working on a task Social Loafing a group process loss that happens when people do not work as hard in a group as they do when they work alone Groupthink when a group is full of competent people work in a flawed group process and end up making poor decisions Illusion of Group Productivity tendency for people to overvalue the productivity of a group they re in Unit 15 Abnormal Psychology applying psychological science to our understanding and treatment of psychological disorders Prevalence frequency of a condition in a population Psychological Disorder pattern of thought emotion and behavior that causes stress Bio psycho social model of illness understanding that disorders are caused by biological psychological or social factors Biological Component influences on disorders from an individuals body Psychological Component influences that come from an individual like stress responses Social Component influences on disorder due to social and cultural factors like abuse Comorbidity people who suffer from one disorder also suffer from other disorders Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders a handbook that provides criteria for the classification of mental disorders Anxiety nervousness that we experience about something that is going on Anxiety disorders disturbances from irrational fears Generalized Anxiety Disorder when a person excessively worries about money health work family life for a least 6 months Panic Disorder sudden panic attacks that reach peak in minutes Phobia fear of a certain object situation or activity Social Anxiety Disorder social phobia anxiety about a social situation having a conversation or meeting new people and feeling at risk for scrutiny by others Agoraphobia fear or anxiety in a least two social situations Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD when an individual continuously obsesses and engages in compulsions to calm the obsessions Mood positive or negative feelings in our everyday lives Mood Disorders when a person s mood negatively influences their physical perceptual social and cognitive processes Dysthymia depressive symptoms that last for two years at least Major Depressive Disorder low mood and low self esteem and loss of interest in enjoyable activities Bipolar Disorder swings in moods from high to sad and hopeless and back up Schizophrenia a disorder where you have delusions hallucinations loss of contact with reality inappropriate affect disorganized speech social withdrawal and deterioration of adaptive behavior Psychosis out of touch with reality Hallucinations absence of real stimulus that creates false sensations Delusions fake beliefs that are not common yet you maintain them because you are out of touch with reality Personality Disorders fixed patterns of thinking feeling or relating to others that cause problems in personal social and work situations Borderline Personality Disorder a disorder characterized by a prolonged disturbance of personality accompanied by mood swings unstable personal relationships identity problems threats of self destructive behavior fear of

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KU PSYC 104 - Exam 4 Study Guide

Course: Psyc 104-
Type: Study Guide
Pages: 6
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