KU PHIL 180 - Peter Singer
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Phil 180 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Hardin s two metaphors of the earth II Options for rich to help III World Food Bank Outline of Current Lecture I Peter Singer thesis II Conclusion III Objection to Peter Singer Current Lecture I Thesis We should radically change our behavior and do much more for others We should change our life style and instead of spending money in superficial things We should use it to help people who need the money A Suffering and death from lack of food shelter medical aid is bad B A lot of people in the world are suffering C We can do something to prevent this from happening D If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening without sacrificing anything of moral important we ought to morally do it II Conclusion We should help those who are suffering in the world If people lived by this principle the world would be completely different People should feel guilty about spending money in luxury goods These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute EX a child is drowning in a shallow pond Whether or not save the child It is not very important to dirty your shoes or clothes it is not comparable very important for most people So if you should help the child then you should help the poor abroad without scarifying very important thing You have the obligation to save poor in the world III Objections A Distance objection We don t know what details about the situation Principle makes no difference about it they are all human beings no distinction between proximity distance B Why you have obligation to help other people objection No distinction between who have obligation to help whatever if there is anyone around you would say yes to help C Over demanding objection True it is demanding the following is modifying our behavior so we be able to do D World poverty over population objection We should help them in a way education them with system E Radical objection Lot things in our life are not really necessary or important EX two cars instead of one

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KU PHIL 180 - Peter Singer

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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