Pitt BUSSPP 0020 - What is a Job Shop?

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BUSSPP 0200 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture Outline of Current Lecture Current Lecture I What is a Job shop A High level of under utilization B Generalized equipment C Multiple paths 1 Flexibility in making multiple things each uses different resources in a different sequence 2 Bottlenecking two products need the same resource which causes a back up a one thing will be delayed adds to the inefficiency of the job shop b Flexibility used simultaneously D As the inefficiency of a job shop in considered why would we ever see one 1 Consumers marketing strategy may demand a high level of flexibility 2 The more things we can actually make the more difficult it is to operate the supply system II Continuous flow A Issues 1 Capacity Utilization a estimate the demand of the facility before it s even built 2 Preventative Maintenance 3 Technology III Tracing some ideas A We have multiple stakeholders 1 What is a stakeholder a Any party with a vested interest in the firm 2 Multiple Stakeholder groups a Employees greater security wages and benefits b Owners 1 Increase in value 2 Portion of profits c Shareholders if public 1 Increase in value 2 Portion of profits d Customers want lower prices and more choices These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute e Suppliers want to be paid for supplies f Lenders will not get back if firm fails 3 These payouts come from the profit stream a creates a contest between stakeholder parties b political process Forms Dominant Coalition use goal agenda as legitimization for how the profit stream is divided B Governance how profit stream is divided IV Differentiation Strategy vs Production System A Who develops the differentiation strategy 1 The dominant coalition 2 How do we generate enough profit to feed the machine 3 Are one of the goals of the firm to play the game of customize satisfy or generic production reducing cost a These are dramatically different goals b likely to engage in significant long term investment for products in the future if development is defined as a focus

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Pitt BUSSPP 0020 - What is a Job Shop?

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