PSU MGMT 301 - Exam 1

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Lecture 1 I II III IV V VI VII The Influence Process a Social interaction b It is the process of affecting the behavior of others i Agent 1 Party attempting the influence process ii Target 1 Party who is getting affected iii Can be 1 1 on 1 a Wife and movie 2 1 on many a Politician and constituents 3 Many on 1 a Democratic party towards Gus 4 Many on Many a Democratic party on all voters Power a Capacity to influence others Control a Extreme form of influence Where the agent can impose severe restrictions on the target Conformity a Target changed their behavior as a result of the influence process Uniformity a Can t identify the exact source of the socialization standards Agent Target Relationship a Rebel b Ignore c Conform i Compliance 1 Target yields to agent to get an award or extrinsic opportunity to avoid a punishment a Requires surveillance b Weakest outcome for the agent ii Identification 1 imitation 2 By virtue of identification the target is induced to conform because the target expects the conformity to establish and maintain a satisfying relationship with the agent a Problem Agent has to be perfect iii Internalization 1 Target conforms because the induced behavior is congruent or concurrent with their own values a Plus The target believes in it b Negative Now the target is on their own Outcome of Conforming VIII a Compliance i Source of agent s power 1 Reward coercive ii Target s reason for conforming 1 To gain reward or avoid punishment iii Source of the target s satisfaction 1 The outcomes iv Necessary additional factor 1 Surveillance and reward value b Identification i Source of agent s power 1 referent ii Target s reason for conforming 1 To est and maintain a satisfactory relationship with agent iii Source of the target s satisfaction 1 Psychological affiliation iv Necessary additional factor 1 Salience of relationship c Internalization i Source of agent s power 1 Expert and legitimate ii Target s reason for conforming 1 Behavior is seen as consistent with own values iii Source of the target s satisfaction 1 The content of the behavior itself iv Necessary additional factor 1 socialization d Types of Power agent could potentially have all 5 a Reward i Resources which are valued by the target 1 people respond to rewards 2 what you think is a reward isn t worth it to the target b Coercive i Has resources that can have a negative influence or unpleasant experience for the target 1 avoidance of the agent by the target c Legitimate i When the agent possesses attributes which cause the target to perceive that the agent has a right to influence and the target has an obligation to perform 1 target can leave situation 2 there is a limit to the scope ii Sources of Legitimate Power 1 Values a Limited to a sub culture 2 Position a Governor 3 Designation a Candidate IX X XI d Expert i Influence because he or she knows what they are talking about 1 people may not care 2 valid knowledge that is useful e Referent i Personal attributes that cause the targets to be attracted to them 1 Charisma Susceptibility to Influence a ACCRUES TO THE TARGET b Dependency i Rewards are only uniquely available from that agent ii More dependent more likely to be influence c Uncertainty i More uncertain more likely to be influenced d Culture i If it emphasizes competition less likely to be influenced ii If it empathizes harmony more likely to be influenced e Personality Characteristics i High self esteem less likely to be influence ii Low self esteem more likely to be influence f Intelligence i Mixed data ii Self esteem overrides Interactions between personality types a More coercive less referent b More expert more legitimate c More reward more referent Situational vs Personal a Situational i Legitimate ii Expert iii Award b Personal i Referent Lecture 2 I II Leadership is the influence of an individual on a group Understanding the leadership phenomenon a Trait Theory i There are inherent personality characteristics which can be found in effective leaders ii The Great Man Theory iii Not real b Behavior Theory i What things do effective leaders DO that set them apart from their followers III IV V VI ii Are certain ways of behaving as a leader more effective than other ways of behaving c Situational Determinants Theory i Are there elements of the leadership situation which moderate leader behavior style ii Situation changes iii Situational Characteristics 1 Task 2 Policy and climate 3 Subordinates 4 Supervisor 5 Peers 6 Leader s Own Characteristics 7 Subordinate Responses a How the target reacts to the leadership approach 8 Reciprocal Causation a Their reaction changes the agent s leadership approach Leadership Style Locust of Decision Making a Autocratic i Make all or almost all decisions ii Policy made by the leader iii Detailed plans iv Evaluation is personal and leader tells you b Democratic i Allows group decide ii Policy is made by the group iii Plans are discussed by the group iv Evaluation decide in advance what success is c Laissez Faire i Hands off ii Decisions are made somewhere else iii There is no policy iv Outside forces do the planning v There is spontaneous evaluation Fidler s Contingency Model Situational Favorableness a Task Structure i More structure is favorable to the leader b Position Power i More power in the position is more favorable to the leader c Leader member relations i Better relation is more favorable to the leader Path goal theory a Characteristics of the situation b Characteristics of the followers c Leader behaviors Leadership Grid a Y axis concern for the people VII VIII b X axis concern for the product c Leadership rankings i 1 1 impoverished leaders ii 5 5 middle of the road iii 1 9 country club MGMT iv 9 1 Task management v 9 9 Team management Contemporary Perspectives a Charismatic Leadership i Referent b Transformational Leadership c Post Heroic Leadership Comparing MGMT and Leadership a Functions Things the agent does i Management 1 Planning 2 Organizing 3 Staffing 4 Budgeting 5 Keep your eye on the bottom ii Leadership 1 Est vision 2 Helping others develop 3 Creating opportunity 4 Keeping eye on horizon b Relationships i MGMT 1 Focus on objectives a Goods and services 2 Based on position power a Reward coercive legitimate 3 Acting as a boss ii Leadership 1 Focus on people 2 Motivation of others 3 Based on personal power a Expertise referent 4 Acting as coach c Personal Qualities i MGMT 1 Emotional distance a Use your brain 2 Talking 3 Conformity 4 insight

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PSU MGMT 301 - Exam 1

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