MSU ZOL 341 - Mutagenesis
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ZOL 341 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture II Stem loop structures III Eukaryotic transcription IV Cis trans Outline of Current Lecture V Mutagenesis VI Recombinant DNA VII Linear DNA VIII Vector IX Plasmids X Bacteriophages Current Lecture mutagenesis an organism is treated with a mutagen to create mutations randomly throughout the genome recombinant DNA a set of techniques for amplifying maintaining and manipulating DNA sequence in vitro and in vivo linear DNA the number of fragments number of restriction sites 1 vector carrier fragment of DNA isolated DNA fragments are inserted into a vector introduced into a biological system that amplifies the DNA the identical copies that result are called DNA clones plasmids some contain multiple cloning sites with unique restriction sites into which DNA can be cloned in some the MCS is in the lacZ gene so that an insert prevents expression of lacZ These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute bacteriophages lambda up to 23 kb of DNA cosmid up to 45 kb of DNA yeast artificial chromosomes 200kb 2Mb of DNA

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MSU ZOL 341 - Mutagenesis

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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