UH KIN 3305 - Deviance and Sport (cont)

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KIN 3305 1st Edition Lecture 21 Deviance and Sport Winning At All Costs cont Outline of Previous Lecture I Negative Deviance II Positive Deviance III General Points of Note IV The Value System in Sports V Sport Ethic VI Personal Commentary Outline of Current Lecture I Personal Commentary II Overconformity and the Sport Ethic III Several Major Reasons for Athlete Overconformity IV Overconformity to the Sport Ethic V Concluding Points Current Lecture I II Personal Commentary a Coach in Arlington wanted his players to help him break into and rob a tool shop b Show canceled in Netherlands when drug testers arrived Overconformity and the Sport Ethic a Numerous studies and reports document athletes who overconform to the sport ethic b Many athletes overconform even though their continued sport involvement i Aggravates existing injuries and maladies ii Causes pain and discomfort iii Jeopardizes their health and well being iv Ultimately shortens their life c Overconformity as been normalized d Sugar Ray Leonard boxing in championship bout with a detached retina e E J Holub draining his knee with a 16 gauge needle or razor f Lew Alcindor playing in game of century with a bruised cornea injury These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V g Muhammad Ali s title fight with Larry Holmes well after his prime h Bo Jackson retires from football and plays baseball after hip replacement replaced hip eventually replaced i Jerry Rice injures ACL and returns same season only to fracture patella on 11 th play back i 3 5 month return recovery time is usually 6 months Several Major Reasons for Athlete Overconformity a Sport Exhilaration and Thrill i The high received from elite athletic competition b Endorsement Opportunities i Advertising and commercial options c Perceived Loyalty and Commitment i Demonstrated altruism for management teammates and fans d Once in a Lifetime Event i Special event e g Olympics Super Bowl etc e Financial Compensation i Lucrative salary contracts bonus incentives and retirement packages f Sports Reporter Baiting i News stories regarding the athlete s loss of motivation or skill g Teammate Bonding i Connections with select individuals h Fulfilling fan expectations Overconformity to the Sport Ethic a So pervasive that many elite athletes have normalized this behavior b Few athletes see their continued sport participation when injured as a form of deviance c Some athletes view their self worth and identity to be inextricably tied to sport d Many athletes are conditioned to believe that playing with major physical setbacks is a badge of courage or a sign of unwavering dedication e Medicalized sport and the sports medicine industry have contributed to overconformity Concluding Points a Owners managers coaches and sponsors tend to benefit when athletes uncritically accept the sport ethic and overconform i Unscrupulous team health personnel can be part of the problem b The sport ethic when taken to extremes can promote exploitation corruption and undermine ethical standards i Student athletes often compromise academic achievement for sport success c Off the field deviance among scholastic athletes tends to be lower than for comparable peers from similar backgrounds VI d The use of performance enhancers is prevalent and more widespread in spite of health warnings rules and sanctions e Most on the field behavior of athletes falls within the normal range of acceptability When it falls outside the range of normal it is usually overconformity f Research suggest that deviant acts in sport are less common today than they were prior to television coverage and mega salaries Audiovisual a Mick Hart b Valentino guy who used steroids had a whole bunch of terrible consequences

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UH KIN 3305 - Deviance and Sport (cont)

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