UNCW BIO 241 - Female Reproductive Cycle

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BIO 241 1st Edition Lecture 31 Outline of Last Lecture I Semen seminal fluid II Penis III Female reproductive organs IV Ovary V O genesis VI Follicles and the ovarian cycle I VII Follicles and the ovarian cycle II VIII Uterine tubes IX Uterus Outline of Current Lecture II Vagina III Female reproductive cycle IV Estrogen secretion and control Current Lecture II The vagina has rugae folds similar to the stomach which allows for the vagina to stretch when excited sexually The entrance into the vagina is known as the introitus also called the orifice The vaginal tissue is composed of stratified squamous epithelium which helps with abrasion There are no vaginal glands There is a cervical mucous gland that composes the mucous plug which blocks the cervix from foreign agents The transudation of tissue fluid is what lubricates the vagina for intercourse Cells secrete glycogen which provide food for natural microbes These natural microbes use the glycogen and produce acid which accounts for the acidity of the vagina III Combining the uterine and ovarian cycle constructs the female reproductive cycle This is directly controlled by hormones These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV Estrogen is secreted by follicular cells prior to ovulation and by the corpus luteum after ovulation Low levels of estrogen allow Gn RF secretion and the anterior pituitary gland to secrete FSH which initiates follicular development at the beginning of a new cycle High levels of estrogen allow Gn RF secretion and the anterior pituitary gland to secrete LH which stimulates ovulation thus leading to formation of the corpus luteum Moderate levels of estrogen inhibit Gn RF secretion and therefore inhibits FSH and LH

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UNCW BIO 241 - Female Reproductive Cycle

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