UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - New Worlds

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HIST 107 1st Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Last Lecture I The Italian Renaissance II Religious Protest in the Later Middle Ages III The Protestant Reformation s Outline of Current Lecture I Europe and the Beyond II The Medieval Atlantic III New worlds end of the world Current Lecture NEW WORLDS EUROPE AND THE BEYOND The European Geographical Imagination a Tour with Maps o Image basic map based on the bible and a three continental structure Asia Africa o o o Europe Placed Jerusalem at the center of the world Considered Eden to be a real place Believed that beyond the boundaries of the real world there were unknown and unexplainable creatures etc Image person with a dog head Awareness of the limits of the real world but acknowledgement of other things Europe s Widening Horizons Review Pax Mongolica o Re emergence of trade and commerce o Increased involvement in the Mediterranean world o Crusades played a part in broadening global presence o Creation of the Mongol Empire Image Map These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Ends up conquering a vast region in the territories of Asia Merchants and travellers like Marco Pollo are a part of the integration that occurs across Europe and Asia Classic Geography Rediscovered Ptolemy o Image Ptolemaic World Map c 1414 o Greek and Roman geography becomes increasingly important for the creation of new geographical depictions o 15th century more sophisticated sense of geography as a result of the Renaissance New ottoman power and fall of the last crusader state in some ways restricts Europe from trade routes new challenges THE MEDIEVAL ATLANTIC The Search for new routes to Asia after 1453 New technologies compass portolan maps caravels o Compass allowed for a crude sense of direction o New ships were built to withstand the rough waters of the Atlantic o Image Catalan Atlas ca 1375 very famous Portolan Map Was used in conjunction with a compass to develop increasingly reliable forms of navigation Voyages in the Atlantic Africa Azotes Canaries o As early as the 1400s Spanish and Portuguese show increasing signs of successful travel o o through the Atlantic ex down the African coast Columbus s voyages emerged out of wider picture of sustained European presence in the Atlantic world There were people living on the Canary islands when Europeans showed up People were living there and had been for centuries Europeans settles enslaved natives killed natives and very quickly asserted a sense of early European colonialism 30 40 years prior to Columbus enforces the idea that Europeans were already utilizing militaristic dominance disease etc to attain control in the New World in the 15 th century NEW WORLDS END OF THE WORLD The Myths of Columbus o Everyone did NOT think that the world was flat and Columbus was NOT the first to assert that it was spherical o Cartoon Video persistent stereotypes The Medieval Columbus The Book of Prophecies This is the beginning of the book or collection of auctoritates sayings opinions and prophecies concerning the need to recover the holy city and Mount Zion and the discovery and conversion of the islands of the Indies and of all the peoples and nations for Ferdinand and Isabella our Spanish rulers Columbus Book of Prophecies he believed that his voyages were his way of fulfilling biblical prophecies enforces the fact that Medieval concepts were still a central part of Columbus s time When the European arrived in North America there was the emergence of slave agriculture the spread of fatal disease etc Granada falls in 1492 Europe trying to push out Islamic control from the Iberian peninsula 1492 another Jewish expulsion rising anti semitism and attempts toward purification by Europe The World Encompassed Other terms and concepts T O Map Vivaldi brothers the Guanches Magellan 1519 1522 o The Vivaldi brothers Italian were the first to sail around the African coast o 13th and 14th centuries with the integration of European trade involves an extent of o European presence in the Atlantic 1519 1522 expedition under Magellan with the goal of circumnavigating the globe successful first time that a fleet was able to completely traverse the globe Waldseemuller globe o Image 1507 o o Depicts areas of the New World Signifies a new European understanding of the world ending the Medieval Ages

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - New Worlds

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