UNT JOUR 2000 - Products

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JOUR 2000 1st Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I The modern marketplace Outline of Current Lecture II Products III 4P S 1 P IV Marketing mix V PIE Current Lecture Products Packaged goods Consumed in a short period of time Bought frequently ex Shampoo chips soda Durable goods Lasts a long time Bought less frequently More expensive ex Microwave beds clothes Services Lawyers designers airplanes dentist Ideas ex Don t mess with Texas anti littering campaign B2B Business to business ex Box company sells to amazon to ship their goods in 4 P S 1 P Price Margin selling price cost of good Place Where is your product being sold Promotion Marcomm marketing communications IMC integrated marketing comm People Marketing Mix Strategy the planning and directing of a large scale operation Marketing department Director of marketing AKA CMO age 35 Promoted from lower jobs Advertising directors Importance how much money their department has Category manager Age 30 s responsible for their category nurture and grow brand Brand manager Brand assistant Sales promotion assistant Market researcher Marketing process PIE Planning Implementation Evaluation

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UNT JOUR 2000 - Products

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