UNT JOUR 2000 - The modern marketplace

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JOUR 2000 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I History of Ad con Outline of Current Lecture II The modern marketplace III Apple IV Evolution V Agency Mergers VI Client Side VII Agency Side Current Lecture The Modern Marketplace AKA The new advertising Apple s 1984 Public Relations New media vehicle Point of purchase come try it out Sales promotion Advertising Evolution Evolution 2 Advertising changed Financially driven agency mergers from 18 big agencies to 8 P E Ratio price to earnings gives you the stock price IPG interpublic group ex Mastercard Coke WPP wired plastic products Omnicom Publicis The client side A shift in power to client marketing departments P G And that changed full service agencies Account management Research Strategy Media Creative The 4 pillars of advertising The agency side Compensation changed Where does the money go From a commission system to a fees based system A new Revolution is born A regional creative renaissance

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UNT JOUR 2000 - The modern marketplace

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