UGA LEGL 2700 - Legal Final Exam Outline

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Legal Final Exam Outline Was the answer to that class question GM or FaceBook I put FB does scienter fraud for that question scienter means it is something done with the intention of causing problems Chapters On Test test one 1 3 4 6 7 test two 11 10 8 9 13 and 20 17 21 15 Exam One Google Docs If you are still reading this you are fucked lol 1 https docs google com document d 1Pj5ekvC1swGz8LXjE P068Jf H k26WIrp4ALu6 ew edit 2 https docs google com document d 11xoec8A84nLfTXBq9Af4uPMIu6B Bc0M2 OZhn2zMVG8 edit pli 1 Exam Two Google Doc 1 https docs google com document d 1pYWNw8aaL1a8d7dLUM7rQKWMW9PvY4QPQ 2 OxOrq 8F8 edi 3 anybody got a googledoc for the 3rd section s terms scroll 4 down homie lol The Exam is TODAY Dec 11th at 12 p m located in our normal classroom 100 sure ARE YALL EXCITED Can we go sit in the classroom yet I have a question Google Doc for Reed s Final last spring It also has some quizlets at the very end https docs google com document d 1M0MiyEALKlyMskGkYbfXgMm UjCnRhO9KwWuH05FxA edit http quizlet com 41558128 chapter 20 legl 2700 reed flash cards http quizlet com 41576941 chapter 17 legl 2700 reed flash cards http quizlet com 41624861 chapter 15 legl 2700 reed flash cards http quizlet com 41556580 chapter 21 legl 2700 reed flash cards How in depth to the first 10 chapters are yall going Just what s on the powerpoints yes only questions that are in both the book and class will be asked so just study ppts He said in the last class that there would be NO book only or lecture only questions on the first 10 chapters Just the main points from the PowerPoints he said a quick look over the powerpoints will do for the first chapters affirmed He said no old court cases How do I know what animal I am This is driving me crazy just check every thingy and use deductive reasoning wish it were easier Court Cases I have please add any I missed 1 Thompson vs North American Stainless 2011 2 Ricci vs Destefano Case 2009 3 United States vs O Hagan 1997 4 Gibbons vs Ogden did we talk about this in class 5 Filburn Man w veggie garden during Agr Adj Act Cannot own veggie garden bc even though it is intrastate it affects price level interstate commerce if all farmers made their own veggie gardens 6 We talked about Obamacare in the Supreme Court not constitutional under commerce clause is constitutional as a tax 7 Anne Hopkins who sued and won for discrimination based on gender expectation when she wasn t feminine enough 8 Ledbetter v Goodyear Remember the outcome of the Lilly Ledbetter case that prompted congress to pass the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act FINAL EXAM INFORMATION 80 questions 30 t f 50 multiple choice New material 50 questions Old material 30 questions Chapter 1 1 question Chapter 3 3 questions Chapter 4 3 Chapter 6 2 Chapter 7 2 Chapter 11 3 Chapter 10 6 Chapters 8 and 9 7u Chapter 13 3 questions Chapter 20 17 questions Chapter 17 18 questions Chapter 21 6 errrrrrrrrrrr5 Chapter 15 3 questions 6 questions on Enron DID REED SPECIFY WHAT SORT OF QUESTIONS WOULD BE ASKED ON OLD CONTENT LIKE BROAD GENERAL QUESTIONS OR SPECIFIC QUESTIONS FROM THE OLD TESTS all I remember is that it will info from slides nothing reed has a chode specifically from book or specifically from class I went into his office hours and he said he was not going to go to in depth into old material just kind of graze the surface but all new material will be as in depth as any other test No court cases or questions only from class for old material too THIS IS JUST A BOOK OUTLINE IF SOMEONE WANTS TO GO THROUGH AND ADD CLASS EXAMPLES THAT D BE PRETTY RAD THANKS preferably in a different color Chapter 20 Discrimination in Employment Civil Right Act of 1964 Title VII Title VII is part of the CRA of 1964 the part about employment 1 General Provisions a Applies to employers with 15 or more employees labor unions etc b Purpose eliminate job discrimination based on race color religion sex or national origin c Bona fide occupational qualifications Where discrimination is necessary to normal business operations Ex Catholic priests are men d Title VII also permits discrimination if it results unintentionally from seniority or merit system Said in class we don t have to worry about seniority systems e Employer action where discrimination is prohibited include i Discharge ii Refusal to hire iii Compensation p iv Terms conditions or privileges of employment 2 Enforcement Procedures a Title VII created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC i Has the primary responsibility of the enforcing provisions of the act ii Composed of five members 1 No more than three can be from the same political party 2 Appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate 3 Serve 5 year terms iii Under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 the EEOC can file a civil suit in federal district court and represent a person charging a violation of the act but it first must try to settle outside the courts b 1991 Amendments allows the recovery of compensatory and punitive damages of up to 300 000 per person in addition to other remedies i Allowed only when employers are guilty of intentional discrimination disparate treatment ii States that a statistically imbalanced workforce is not enough in itself to establish a violation of title VII c Winning a Title VII Civil Action i Must prove steps taken by the employer that showed an illegally discriminatory basis ii Plaintiff must prove disparate treatment or disparate impact 1 Disparate treatment that the employer intentionally discriminated against the plaintiff Only defense to this is that everyone from the victim s class is unable to perform the job Examples in class Hooters Abercrombie and Fitch BFOQ I know the A F one was about the girl with the head dress but what was the hooters example The A F girl was allowed to wear her head wrap A F lost that dispute what about hooters Hooters wouldn t hire dudes to be hooters girls the dudes got a lot of and as part of settlement hooters had to increase employment opportunity for men through bartending hosting etc fuck that no one wants to see dudes when they go to hooters same truuu 2 Disparate impact Employer s practices or policies had a discriminatory effect on a group protected by title VII Defendant s defense to disparate impact charges entails a business necessity to justify the allegedly discriminatory business practice Plaintiff can then counter with the argument that defendant s business practice is unnecessary and

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UGA LEGL 2700 - Legal Final Exam Outline

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