UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Exam 4 Study Guide

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Psych 350 1st Edition Exam 4 Study Guide Lectures 1 12 Executive function pages 315 321 Preschool programs to train executive function build programs to improve executive function in preschoolers design frequent recess physical games to improve aerobic capacity Program Tools of the mind improve executive function in kids early in life focus on preschoolers and kindergarteners intervention STUDY vygotski zone of proximal development practice self regulation everyday kid comes in and develop a pay plan child sits with another child and teacher to discuss plan Memory pages 327 342 definitions of explicit declarative conscious awareness of can talk about them memories that are available to conscious awareness and can be directly assessed by tests of recall or recognition memory either episodic or semantic example talk about what happened on Monday implicit memory without awareness that can be assessed only indireclty example classical conditioning heart rate declarative long term memory consciously recalled like facts or knowledge procedural part of long term memory responsible for knowing how to do things motor skills example stores information on how to perform certain procedures such as walking talking and riding a bike semantic long term memory that processes ideas and concepts that are not drawn from personal experience long term memory representation of definitions and relations among language terms example common knowledge names of colors sounds of letters capitals of countries episodic memories of events times places associated emotions autobiographical memory personal and long lasting memories that are the basis for one s personal life history studies of memory early in life using implicit measures development of autobiographical memory personal and long lasting memories which are the basis for one s personal life history develop over the preschool years mark with the offset of infantile amnesia infantile amnesia the inability to remember events from infancy and early childhood don t really have memories before the age of four scripts a form of schematic organization with real world events organized in terms of temporal and causal relations between component acts example trip to the grocery store memory as reconstruction reconstruction of events remember a story about how you fell down the stairs but you never actually fell people just told you that you did suggestibility and stereotyping effects on children s memories children are more susceptible to suggestion than adults a man named sam visited a preschool he talked to the teacher sat with the children during story time and commented about the story walked around the classroom and left the room waved goodbye and left the room in the stereotype condition children were told BFORE that same was irresponsible and accident prone always breaking things in the suggestion condition the children were told that sam ripped the book AFTER the visit in the super stereotype children were told BEFORE that sam was irresponsible and AFTER that he ripped the book in the control group the children received no information 10 weeks later children were interviewed about the same sam came to class the children who were told before and after gave the most false statements effect of an atomically correct dolls on children s recall factors that influence eye witness memory in children children generally remember very little when they receive a general request for information but recall more information when more specific questions are asked

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