MSU ZOL 341 - Translocation
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ZOL 341 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I Nucleotide excision and replacement II UV repair III DNA recombination repair IV Ploidy V Nondisjunction VI Mosaicism Outline of Current Lecture II Polyploidy III Chromosome alteration IV Chromosome translocation Current Lecture polyploidy autopolyploidy duplication of chromosome sets within a species allopolyploidy combination of the chromosome sets of different species polyploidy is associated with an increase in cell size increased genome size increased nucleus volume increased cell volume chromosome alteration chromosome inversion reattachment in the wrong orientation chromosome translocation reattachment to a nonhomologous chromosome chromosome translocation translocation heterozygotes with one normal copy and one translocated copy of each chromosome may be in normal phenotype if no genes are disrupted by the breakage and reattachment events These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute transposable genetic elements DNA sequences that can move within the genome transposition is enzyme driven insertional inactivation mutation caused by TE inserting itself into a gene

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MSU ZOL 341 - Translocation

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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