UH KIN 3305 - Deviance and Sport

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KIN 3305 1st Edition Lecture 18 Deviance and Sport Winning At All Costs Outline of Previous Lecture I Title IX and Gender Equity II Compliance Issues III Longitudinal Research IV Unfounded Myths V Notions Fables and False Perceptions VI Conclusion Outline of Current Lecture I Issues and Controversies Regarding Deviance in Sport II Who determines deviant behavior III Maxim 1 There is a thin line between deviance and acceptance Current Lecture Deviance is not only prevalent in sport but that the structure of sport in American society actually promotes deviance Eitzen I II Issues and Controversies Regarding Deviance in Sport a Some researchers contend that the inordinate amounts of time spent honing skills for athletic contests dietary supplements and mental conditioning contribute to sport deviance b Yet others deem these behaviors to be vital to sport competition and necessary for success c The athlete is often praised and emulated for behaviors that at times may be akin to the common workaholic and is violent as an incarcerated felon d Norms help determine what is acceptable and unacceptable in the social world i Formal and informal e Various theories maxims and examples will aid in the analysis of sport deviance Who determines deviant behavior a Most social theorists agree that deviance involves behavior that violates basic social norms and or rules These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III b Others contend that many rules have been enacted and enforced by those in power and deviance is any behavior those in power deem inappropriate or wrong c The latter perspective suggests that deviance is viewed strictly as relative and arbitrary d There have been many questions pertaining to what constitutes deviance in society as well as sport e Practices in one culture society or environment may be construed as deviant and acceptable in another f Such is the case in sport where acts and behaviors may be customary in sport yet frowned upon in society g The dichotomy of sport deviance Maxim 1 There is a thin line between deviance and acceptance a Noteworthy Terms i Medicalized sports the heavy emphasis and utilization of biochemistry and pharmacology in sports in enhance performance e g illegal steroid and human growth hormones AUDIOVISUAL MARTY MCSORLEY In 2000 his on ice assault of Donald Brashear with his stick in which Brashear suffered a severe concussion led to McSorley s suspension and eventual retirement from the NHL

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UH KIN 3305 - Deviance and Sport

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