HIST107 1st Edition Lecture 23 Outline of Last Lecture I The Papacy Subdued II Theology State and Sovereignty III Avignon The Great Schism and Conciliarism Outline of Current Lecture I Plague II Rebellion III The Hundred Years War IV The Ottomans Current Lecture Catastrophe Creativity Struck by a plague that carried off at least a fifth of its population shaken by Ottoman Turks who conquered Constantinople and moves into the Balkans buffeted by internal wars that threatened the very foundations of its political life Europe shuddered for a moment then shrugged and forged ahead Those who survived war and disease enjoyed a higher standard of living than before by the 1500s Europe was poised to conquer the globe Rosenwein Short History The Mongol Empire confederation of various peoples in central Asia that take political control over a vast region o Chinggis Genghis Khan d 1227 started the Mongol Empire map 7 1 PLAGUE These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Originated somewhere in central Asia spread through integrated trade routes and eventually reached through the black sea and into Europe in the 1340s Great Famine 1315 1322 Black Death 1347 1350 radiates through Europe England Denmark Italy etc o Europe was poised to be subject to this Demographic decline Populations tapering Limits of arable land agricultural expansion Highlighted in the Great Famine There were also signs of climate change increasingly colder temperatures o The pneumonic plague was easy to catch and had a very high mortality rate Jean de Venette 1307 1368 Chronicle People lay ill little more than two or three days and died suddenly as it were in full health Swelling appeared suddenly in the armpit or in the groin in many cases both and they were infallible signs of death o The black death had an impact on societal perceptions of life s purposes Images the dance of death and other morbid scenes o European art shifted toward concentrations with death and morbidity Some people blame Jews continuation of anti Semitism REBELLION The Social and Economic Consequences of the plague economic devastation BUT more jobs more movement to cities shifts in labor market 1358 Jacquerie o Peasant rebellion o Image Jacquerie French ms Those who fight a warrior on horseback being taken down by peasants 1381 Wat Tyler s Rebellion England Statue of Wages 1351 King Richard II tries to freeze wages at pre plague amounts o Doesn t work THE HUNDRED YEARS WAR Hundred Years War 1337 1453 sporadically over 116 years series of conflicts between the English and the French crowns MAPS France at beginning of conflict and during English hegemony o Rosenwein map 6 2 Phillip IV taxing church properties leads to conflict with Boniface Pope Jean de Froissart Chronicles 1337 1404 on the English archers To say the truth the English archers were of infinite service to their army for they shot so thickly and so well that the French did not know which way to turn themselves to avoid their arrows none cared to come within reach of their arrows and they put to death many who could not ransom themselves Image Battle of Roosebeke 1382 Jeanne d Arc from the Battle of Orleans 1429 to execution by English accused of heresy by speaking to God o Joan of Ark said she was sent to protect the French leads them to victory in the Battle of Orleans seen as a turning point in the war revitalization of their war effort New armies new forms of technology longbows gunpowder French lose the early conflicts of the 100 years war 1453 French had come to claim dominance over the territory of France Serfdom almost entirely withered away as a result of economic shifts from plague rebellion etc POSTSCRIPT THE OTTOMANS From Othman d 1324 to Mehmed II 1444 1481 and the fall of Constantinople 1453 o Map 8 1 The Ottoman Empire c 1500 o Ottoman Turkish Empire spread power through the 1300s 1500s
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