UW-Madison ZOOLOGY 470 - Study Guide Exam 1

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Study Guide for Exam 1 Zoology 470 2015 Exam format You can expect a good chunk of the exam to be short answer questions i e 1 2 sentence response Other types of questions including identification multiple choice matching and true false will also be present but don t count on them being the largest portion of the exam In addition there has been an emphasis in class on experiments and what they tell us about mechanisms of early development These are really important and you should understand them thoroughly The text should be used to reinforce in class material Your best study hints will come from last year s exam available on the course web site and from the learning objectives listed at the beginning of each unit Topics for Exam 1 Introduction to development What are the big ideas that developmental biologists study What are some techniques that allow them to study such questions What is the organizer What is fate mapping Be sure you are familiar enough with the big ideas to provide definitions e g differentiation morphogenesis What is conditional specification Autonomous specification Totipotency What is mosaic development What are localized determinants How does one show sufficiency of a group of cells or a molecule for some developmental process How does one show necessity Be able to cite examples of each and be able to describe an experiment that could used to test the state of specification of a cell or tissue using classical techniques Genomic equivalence What experiments in amphibians indicate the genomic equivalence of nuclei What does this tell us about how the nucleus exerts effects on differentiated cells What do chromosome puffs tell us about differential gene activation in differentiated tissues How were the experiments performed that resulted in Dolly Cumulina the mouse What do we know about how normal Dolly really was at the cellular and molecular level Is this a universal problem for cloned mammals What is the state of legislation in this country regarding human cloning Based on your supplemental readings at a very basic level what are the major proposed uses of mammalian cloning What is the difference between reproductive and therapeutic cloning Biologically why is human reproductive cloning deemed unsafe What is large offspring syndrome LOS and what is it thought to be caused by How does epigenetic reprogramming relate to LOS Be able to describe the current situation regarding success in cloning non human primates and humans You should also be able to explain why in theory therapeutic cloning is potentially superior to use of non genetically matched ES cells in human patients Also be able to state whether therapeutic cloning has been achieved in primates including humans How might nuclear transfer be used in the case a mother has a mitochondrial defect Mammalian early embryos 1 Compaction and blastocyst formation How are allophenic mice produced Allophenic mice are one example of chimeric mice Can you think of others What is totipotency What experiments demonstrate that cells from uncompacted mammalian embryos are totipotent What is compaction What are the two basic types of cells in early Study Guide Exam 1 2015 Page 2 mammalian embryos at the 16 cell stage and beyond What do trophoblast cells make What are inner cell mass cells A blastocyst What experiments indicate that ICM cells are pluripotent 2 Stem cells How are human embryonic stem cells made What is a stem cell What is pluripotency How might stem cells be used in clinical applications 3 Bioethics You should be able to answer basic questions about the current status of funding for stem cell research in the U S You should be able to state why there are ethical objections to the standard way of obtaining ES cells How does one s worldview shape ethical perspectives Can you cite examples of how religious worldviews shape ethical thinking about ES cells 4 Induced pluripotency What is induced pluripotency You should be able to explain in basic terms how this has been achieved but you will not be asked to produce the names of the specific molecules involved What sorts of proteins must be expressed by a cell to induced it to become pluripotent How can the pluripotency of such cells be assessed Hint what is a teratoma In mice tests similar to those for ICM cells can be used What is tetraploid complementation As with therapeutic cloning you should also be able to explain why such techniques are potentially superior to general use of ES cells in human patients 5 Transdifferentiation What is transdifferentiation How is it different from using iPS cells Can you cite recent examples Molecular biology techniques Key Be able to state which technique s would be appropriate for answering specific questions about gene expression You are ONLY responsible for techniques we covered in class and not all of the techniques I provided in the Molecular Biology Techniques handout A good guide for what we expect is the previous exam Focus on techniques we covered and at a level of detail commensurate with what we discussed in class Recall that all you will be expected to know here is the big idea as presented in the handouts and then only the techniques we explicitly discussed in class You should know the basic idea underlying each of the following a in situ hybridization b immunostaining c transgenics d targeted mutations knockouts e genome editing f RNA overexpression f RNA interference and g morpholinos How are RNAi and morpholinos different How can each of these be used What are antibodies used for What is the difference between maternal and zygotic mutants as tools for studying developmental processes The Cell Surface and Cell Biology 1 Cell adhesion What is a cell adhesion molecule What are cadherins Catenins Be able to explain the classical experiments and molecular basis of differential affinity sorting out What evidence suggests that cadherins are involved What is the extracellular matrix What are major ECM molecules How do integrins function in promoting attachment of cells to the extracellular matrix How does a confocal microscope help with this technique 2 Cytoskeleton What major cytoskeletal systems are there in cells What drugs are typically used to depolymerize microfilaments Microtubules What treatments stabilize microtubules Microfilaments What major motor proteins interact with microtubules Microfilaments What is the major cytoskeletal system involved in Study Guide Exam 1 2015 Page 3 cell migration What is the

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UW-Madison ZOOLOGY 470 - Study Guide Exam 1

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