NCSU MB 351 - food microbiology exam 1 study guide

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Part 1 Food Microbiology Study Guide 1 Be familiar with several major historical figures and their order in time not specific dates Food Preservation Food Spoilage Food Poisoning Food Legislation 1658 A Kricher examined decaying bodies meat milk etc and saw what he referred to as worms invisible to the naked eye 1st person to suggest role of microorganisms in spoiling food 1659 A Kricher demonstrated the occurrence of bacteria in milk 1680 A Leeuwenhoek 1st to observe yeast cells 1683 A Leeuwenhoek examined bacteria through a microscope 1756 L Spallanzani beef broth that had been boiled for an hour and sealed remained sterile and did not spoil Experiment disproved theory of spontaneous generation but not considered valid because experimentation excluded oxygen 1810 Nicolas Appert History of thermal canning preservation of food by canning was patented 1820 Justinus Kerner described sausage poisoning probably botulism high fatality rate 1837 Schwann showed that heat infusions remained sterile in the presence of air which he supplied by passing it through heated coils into the infusion 1837 1857 L Pasteur showed that the souring of milk was caused by microorganisms 1st person to appreciate and understand the presence and role of microorganisms in food 1847 Bondeau demonstrated the occurrence of bacteria in milk 1854 L Pasteur began wine investigations 1857 W Taylor milk was incriminated as a transmitter of typhoid fever 1860 L Pasteur demonstrated the role of microorganisms in the spoilage of wines gave rise to the rediscovery of bacteria used heat to destroy undesirable organisms in wine and beer 1867 1868 L Pasteur heating to remove undesirable organisms was introduced commercially 1880 Pasteurization of milk begun in Germany 1888 Gaertner 1st isolated Salmonella enteritidis from meat that had caused 57 cases of food poisoning 1906 The US Federal Food and Drug Act was passed by Congress 1917 Clarence Birdseye US began work on freezing foods for retail trade 1920 Bigelow and Esty published 1st systematic study of spore heat resistance above 212F method simplified by Ball in 1923 1937 L Bier E Hazen Type of E strain of C botulinum was identified 1937 Paralytic shellfish poisoning was recognized 1939 The new Food Drug and Cosmetic Act became law 1945 McClung 1st to prove the etiologic status of Clostridium perfringens in food poisoning 1951 T Fujino Vibrio parahaemolyticus was shown to be an agent of food poisoning 1962 The Talmadge Aiken Act allowing for federal meat inspection by states was enacted into law 1967 1st commercial facility designed to irradiate foods was planned and designed in US 1969 C L Duncan D H Strong C perfringens enterotoxin was demonstrated 1971 1st US foodborne outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus gastroenteritis occurred in Maryland 1975 L R Koupal R H Deibel Salmonella enterotoxin was demonstrated 1979 Foodborne gastroenteritis caused by non 01 Vibrio cholera occurred in Florida Earlier outbreaks in Czechoslovakia and Australia 1981 Foodborne listeriosis outbreak was recognized in US 1983 Ruiz Palacios Campylobacter jejuni enterotoxin described 1990 irradiation of poultry was approved by the US 1992 2nd commercial facility designed to irradiate foods became operational in FL 2 Know difference between pathogen and spoilage organism 3 Be able to name several sources of contamination 8 major given on handout Soil and Water Plants and Plant Products Intestinal Tract of Humans and Animals Food Handlers Animals Hides and Poultry Feathers Animal Feed and Water Food Harvesting and Handling Contact Surfaces Air and Dust 4 How microorganisms relate to each other in size generally Could you put them in order ordered form smallest to largest Small Molecules 1nm Lipids 5nm Proteins 10nm Ribosomes 50nm Viruses 80 100nm Mycoplasma smallest bacteria 100 130nm Mitochondrion 1 m Most Bacteria 1 10 m Nucleus 10 m Plant and Animal Cells 10 100 m 5 Which microorganisms grow faster 6 What is the difference between a yeast and mold 7 Be familiar with the parts of a gram positive and gram negative cell 8 Be familiar with the basic function of those parts 9 Know the location and name of antigens 10 Know the difference between endotoxin exotoxin and enterotoxin 11 Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic factors 12 Know basic nutritional needs of bacteria 13 Know relationship between reduction potential Eh and growth of aerobic and anaerobic organisms 14 Know what a typical growth curve looks like and be able to label each phase 15 Know the four classifications of microorganisms based on atmosphere 16 Within any product depending upon how it is processed and packaged where would each of these classifications grow 17 What is normal atmospheric oxygen concentration 18 What is MAP 19 What are the four major classifications based on temperature 20 On a graph be able to label their location 21 What is a thermoduric and what is an example 22 Know all the information given on the fill in the blank temperature sheet 23 Know the interaction of organic and inorganic acids with various bacterial types 24 Know all the information on fill the in the blank pH sheet 25 Know all the information on the fill in the blank water activity sheet 26 Understand the concept of multiple hurdle effect and give or explain an example 27 Know the difference between mold yeast and bacterial spores Why and how they are formed 28 Be familiar with the six major bacterial spore genera 4 associated with foods 29 Be familiar with the parts to a spore and be familiar with their molecular make up and function 30 Be able to name the four stages of the spore cycle and generally describe what happens in each stage 31 Be familiar with the factors affecting heat resistance in spores 32 Know the definition of a low acid potentially hazardous food 33 Know the definition of commercially sterile 34 Be familiar with what occurs in the seven stages of sporulation 35 Know the factors that may contribute to canned food spoilage 36 Be familiar with the genus of organisms that cause canned food spoilage 37 What is spoilage 38 What are the factors that affect how this is defined person to person 39 Why is the assignment of a particular microbiological number inaccurate when determining spoilage 40 What are some factors that affect spoilage 41 What is microbial progression 42 What general groups of microorganisms based on atmosphere cause spoilage 44 In raw meat poultry and fish what general group stain of organisms causes aerobic

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