MSU ZOL 341 - HW 1,2,3,7,8,10
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Zoology 341 8 1 3 Homework 1 Name Lauren Section Smell g 0 0 Student A 130 cf 2 Y j 3 1a Give the complementary sequence to the sequence of DNA below Be sure to indicate polarity 2 pts 2 wmmm 5 erg 5 D LT CEA F 1b What is the total number of covalent bonds joining the nucleotides in the original strand 1 pt Q 1c What is the total number of noncovalent bonds joining the nucleotides of the complementary strands 1 pt Eli A l l 0X a r a O LHflHi Wl w xjtal 4 1d On BOTH the original sequence and the complementary strand indicate with an arrow the direction that DNA polymerase would move as it copies DNA 1 pt 2 With reference to transcription we refer to one strand of DNA as the coding strand and the other strand as the template strand Explain the significance of these labels 2 pts IR OxfiECl I P l I O 0 0 4 0 ml of I S used 0 T JMML IE a s i n g m c i i r c fl d U TM lempiafie 5 4 m m 9f D l A i3 u g e RNA d 9 a n e w t 1h43da M n R N A Tine ryeMPlaiP 1 rmci POIQfH j 3mp m n4abl n d 1501 J 6 5 LQ S y n DA A OPPUJ F f RN40 has The XL 9 S rQ ncl i 3 me COMP me 04051 3 l a i d up r i n k q efhniflgczle RD Aifn Dngi Lg ELKO TJ m g mth 3 e TCeFJVQ ar rfg w I I my arm J c 3 The percen age of cytosm inadoubl fstrajndefDN erfiol culeis4 Wat T U are the percentages of all of the other bases 1 pt 5Uan m4 f filo m W8 demflQ lo ORA 4 R 4 bpon what rule do you base your answer Ito number 3 What does the rule st te 1pt ghpar r m Chq 3g f r u l e DNA me rule 3404 f W e f t IS cm QIMOH q u q Qmou hl a C954 Ae 4 0 G u m m C m d 4 fl j M O Q 0 a d C ga T A e W e 5 What is it about the figure below that makes Dr McElhinny grumpy 1 pt h Replication 9 DNA Translation nanscrlption Protein 26w Polrwn E m m a Inc THE dilajram S A r j m g 0 deprd qu C a m 0 m buOlO d 6 6er 4m drouer WP 6 d i j o 0p mm BNA KCPI CthUn ESL H 6f d 5 a S4 P m 36 r QXPIeS VOA In G MISCOflCgPhOAIUSI HHS d r q u a m C a n of 1DNA 40 Pfoqsg 305 D A gene N Cook Warm 660 acme P QWCSJ W reads he o n 3 5 w rCF Icah r on 5 W TnVo yeot m Zoology 341 8 1 3 Homework 2 Name LOUfCJA Section Gaveliifi Q g gg Student 2 A c 6 f 1 You isolate and purify what you think are all the cellular components needed for DNA replication When you add eukaryotic template DNA to your mixture replication does occur but for each replication event one of the daughter DNA molecules consists of a normal strand paired with numerous segments of DNA a few hundred nucleotides long Oops what did you leave out of your mixture swam Wm W e DNA iiflCiSe J o i n s 5 4 3 m m or DNA r0AcJS by cream momma e fi c r b dads pit 10W ill Wt inf ale V 0 0 Gold how m a n y w m c z w o r WVA out COMM C d 1 Ekx g 2 If the percentage of guanine in the double stranded DNA of a certain species it is decreased by 5 over evolutionary time what would you expect to have 9 a c l happened to the percentage of adenine in the DNA over that time period Please 5 3 m 1 me explain your answer 2 pts 1C1 m 9 A d e n l fl e It v a M t h u s 0 3 woum ncrcase 5 A If Prue H 50 410 414 c y w y n c 0 c o m p e n s a t e 11w m a WWO m i l t r 0 3 0F Guamne SMCC y o u 6 x S H ft lck 5 9 3 o r G U i n n C and v a l d J 5 4 0 SW SW74 1 ijv K w am at 4 0 4 d e g c o d e i n 3 Which of the following statements are true for double s randed DNA Explain your reasoning for each The symbol R stands for purine and Y stands for 10 pyrimidine 1 pt each a A C G T TFUE s i n c e Ute Tho A C Can 0006 93 nvam a A T and 6 m c h m j c f l x er No 94 T U5my mum bars 5 3 545 b A T G C False T h to q u m 5 H u mGaff OiA Gad T Fairs do my hail 64C c R Y 5 AT and c In numbch Swnbne Md Adeflme 9 4 0 3 1 6 am 4 310 qu GI A C T 3 5 3 S 4 The following sequence of nucleotides is present along one strand of a template DNA duplex at one of the replication forks in a replication bubble Synthesis of an RNA primer on this template begins by copying the base in bold italics 1 pt 3 l AGTAGATACGTCCAG 5 s uecA aUC 5 if the primer is 8 nucleotides long what is its base sequence Be sure to indicate the polarity of the primer 3 CHM Came I 5 cu are given the following DNA fragment to sequence 5 GCTTAGCATC 3 Yo first clone the fragment into bacterial cells to produce sufficient DNA for se uencing You isolate the DNA from the bacterial cells and carry out the di eoxy sequencing method You then separate the products of the po ymerization reactions by gel electrophoresis Draw the bands that should ap ear on the gel from the four sequencing reactions Draw one band on each lin in the figure below 2 pts Reaction containing l F L l ddTTP ddATP 1 1 a ddCTP ddGTP i Origin 3 1 C E g Q Ex T g A 26 4 9 gfi T A A T C T fi T s h 1 1 i v L 4 G m T LA 7 A A C 6 C I N a n c ex 555 i 1 3 Strand 7Lnfmmd Zoology 341 8 1 3 Homework 3 NamezLQUfCfl Gar IIK Section …

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MSU ZOL 341 - HW 1,2,3,7,8,10

Type: Assignment
Pages: 12
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