Fungamental Genetics 3813 Exam 2 FORM B f fl Name Q U hatch t Recitation section number x 6 Student number Multiple Choic a Section Choose the single best answer for each question Questions 1 15 are worth 5 pts each O1 i 2 i O 3 2 ill O 3 4 6 1 l 2 3 l 2 3 4 N 1 1 Assume that t he pedigree above depicts an autosomal recessive condition Which of the following g v a A ili 2 is a carrier B IV 4 is a c arrier KC l 2 is a ca rrier ID 4 is a c arrier statements m u st be true i 2 Assume that i e pedigree above depicts an autosomal recessive condition What is the probability that lV 2 is a ca rier A 1 4 B 1 3 C 1 2 to 2 3 E 3 4 F 1 It 3 Given the coding DNA sequence 5 TAC AAA ATA CAG CGG 3 which of these sequences represents a no sense mutation w 5 TAC AAA TAC AGC GGG 3 7 A A 5 TAC AAG ATA CAG c o s 3 U AA T C 5 TAG AAA ATA CAG CGG 3 D 5 TAC AAA ATA CAC c o s 3 ATA CAG AGG 3 E 5 TAC W i u A 3 g J v A a A VF t 23 fl The pedigree below illustrates inheritance of an X linked recessive trait i I s b 9 I11 5 X it 3 Using the choices below indicate the genotypes for the individuals listed in questions 4 5 A xBxB I xBxb o XbXb D XBY be b4 What is the genotype Of 2 5133 iiaita v x 3 B w i 5 2 E 2 5 What IStheg enotype of 3 D x j q 6 A man and a woman are starting a family What is the probability that if they have three children two will be boys and one will be a girl A 1 2 1 4 V C 3 8 D 1 8 E 1 6 aim D z a 5 2 Si lfl 375 7 Uh oh the c 1uple above has just discovered that they are both heterozygous for an autosomal recessive condi ion if they have one child what is the probability that it will be an affected boy A A 1 2 B 1 4 I C 3 8 1 8 a 5 0 mag am u a 2 1 6 1 8 If the couple above has two children what is the probability that the first will be an affected boy and the second will be a phenotypically normal girl Choose the best option based on rounding your answer A 0 025 V 005 0 25 l ram wig L i a r D 0 5 i 2 k 2 3 191 4S 5 75 R K a W port wea at p 4 1 7 3 In radishes flovr er color may be red purple or white There is no dominance evident in flower colors and red xwhite crosses yield onlyfiplantswwjthupurplefiflovveqrs If these F1 purples are interbred the F2 generation consists of raffipurple white The edible portion of the radish may be long or oval Long is dominant to oval in a normal Mendelian fashion KN A red oval plant is crossed with a plant of unknown genotype and phenotype yielding the following offspring 103 red long 101 red oval 98 purple long 100 purple oval 9 What was the genotype of the unknown plant Assume the R gene codes for flower color such that red flower color is RR and the 0 gene codes for root shape o www Rll our 2 Wixmi 22 R R OO 33 R 90 ts RR OO a 0 QiRRoo l i QNVE 10 What was the phenotype of the unknown plant above A red long B red oval purple lo 9 purple ov l l ln rabbits a seriLs of multiple alleles controls coat color in the following way C is dominant to all other alleles andl causes full color The chinchilla phenotype is due to the co allele which is dominant to all alleles other than C The 0 allele dominant only to C alblno results in the Himalayan coat color Thus the rder of dominance in this system is C CO ch c r v c c 11 If a chinchillai is crossed with a Himalayan and at leasA some of the offspring are albino what were the n o t y p e s olthe parents C C 3 C NA 5 Ha c hcand ho C 9 c c and cell c Cch Cch 00 7 ch an Con C andc c Chg C 5 it 3 5 j 12 If an albino frjom the F1 of the cross above is mated with a cc 0 chinchilla what will be the ph typic classes in the resultant offspring A Chinchilla and albino B Himalayan and albino I Chinchilla Himalayan and albinojg fi Chinchilla and Himalayan l m ne H i EC 5 sir ow 2 w 5 A 3 2 3 13 If the above pedigree depicts an autosomal recessive disorder what is the genotype of individual 7 M A AA B Aa aa D Aa orAA 14 If the abovd pedigree depicts an ag tgspmal dominavn trrd isro fdeii what is the genotype of individual 7 A AA Aa aa l D Aa or 15 in peas axial A flower position is dominant to terminal a tall L is dominant to short I and yellow Y is dominant to green y If a plant that is heterozygous for all three traits is allowed to self fertuizf how many of the offspring would be phenotypically dominant for all three traits l 27 64 1 l 79 B 32 64 i h C 64 64 D 3 64 c l a i E 9 64 AaL l j 3j 0 5 9 3 Questions 16 29 are worth 3 points each 16 A fragment of a wild type protein has the following amino acid sequence Met Ala Trp Gly His Arg Tyr The amino acid sequence of a mutant version of this protein is Met Ala Trp Ala His Arg Tyr Which of the following is the best description of the underlying m tation Nonsense U 1 A Silent fl 6 7 C Transversion G7 Transrtion er a 17 Which of the following individuals would produce gametes with the genotypes xyZ XyZ Xyz xyz xYZ XYZ XYz sz X XXYyZz XxyyZz XXYyZz Q XxyyZZ 18 You wish to perform a testcross with an individual who is DdFF Which of the following is a genotype that w Ill be present in the F1 D 2 7 2 7 ddFF l B dde t sj ddff a DDFF E DdFF LWJWWJWWMLM 19 Considering the cross in question 18 if genes D and F exhibit a simple dominance relationship where D is dom nant to d and F is dominant to f what will be the phenotypic outcome in the F1 A …
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