TAMU ANSC 210 - Exam 2 Study Guide
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ANSC 210 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 7 12 Lecture 7 March 2 Dog and Cat Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy is like geography Names of location are important and meaningful Anatomy is important for Animal examinations Record keeping Surgical approaches Radiological evaluation General anatomical terms Direction Cranial caudal anterior posterior Dorsal ventral top vs bottom Proximal close distal further away things that stick out of body limbs Lateral medial Sections or planes Transverse cross section Median sagittal divides right and left Frontal coronal divides top and bottom dorsal vs ventral External anatomical landmarks Abdomen Axilla armpit Carpus equivalent to human wrist Chest thorax Elbow Hock or tarsus equivalent to human ankle Pinna Stifle knee Withers Image of dog skeletal anatomy in book Clicker question Image of the lateral thoracic part of a cat must take dorsal ventral view in order to see that the metallic object is under the skin Muscles Move joints Have origins and insertions on bones Some are flexors some extensors Biceps flexor triceps extensor Cardiac anatomy Know anatomy chambers and flow Blood flow Left ventricle shoots blood to aorta goes to body comes back through right atrium right ventricle out pulmonary artery into lungs comes back into heart through pulmonary vein and into left atrium then the left ventricle Oxygenated blood goes through left side bright red deoxygenated blood goes through right side maroon color High pressure side of the heart is the left The blood in the pulmonary artery is low in oxygen Respiratory system Two ways you breathe hold diaphragm down or expand inner rib cage intercostal muscles Exchange occurs in the alveoli in the bronchi of the lungs give up co2 Nervous system Brain Cerebrum Cerebellum motor coordination Brain stem Urinary system Kidneys dorsal Ureters Bladder Urethra female s is shorter posterior ventral abdomen Ocular anatomy Cornea glaucoma causes blindness Iris color part of eye Pupil light goes in pupil Lens light focused by lens cataracts Retina at the very back senses light sends signals to optic nerve Ear anatomy Two parts of outer ear canal canal goes toward nose Vertical canal Horizontal canal Endocrinology Study of hormones Hormones secreted into the blood by endocrine organs glands of the body Hypothalamus brain Thyroid neck Adrenal top of kidneys Pancreas makes insulin Ovary estrogen Testis testosterone Table on back page of handout Blood glucose regulation Islets of Langerhans release insulin and glucagon animals get Type I Diabetes Lecture 8 March 4 Dog and Cat Reproduction Dog is a monoestrus breeder come into heat to breed only one time or a couple of times a year Physiology of reproduction bitches Canine estrous cycle Anestrus estrogen progesterone Proestrus estrogen progesterone Estrus estrogen progesterone Diestrus estrogen progesterone diestrus unusual in dog lasts 60 days whether dog is pregnant or not Estrogen is from developing follicle Progesterone from corpus luteum Vaginal Cytology Is one way to determine what reproductive stage a bitch is in The pictured slide is from a estrus cells are matured lacking nuclei On Handout Anestrus 5 months Proestrus 9 days Estrus 9 days ovulation complete day 3 fertilization complete day 6 Diestrus 2 months Determining when to breed bitch short pd of time in estrus Days from start of proestrus bleeding breed day 10 and 14 after onset Behavior breed at first standing heat and every 2 to 4 days after Progesterone testing in blood breed when reaches 18 nmol L and repeat in 2 to 3 days Vaginal cytology when 80 anuclear Squames epithelial cells Vaginal cytology Anestrus nucleated epithelial cells no white blood cells Proestrus Red blood cells Nucleated Estrus keratinized epithelial cells without nuclei squames Diestrus epithelial cells with nuclei white blood cells Breeding dogs Usually bring the bitch to the dog Bitch will play with the dog Mounting and intromission occur followed by engorgement of the bulbis glands Males will step over the hindquarters of the bitch so penis is directed posteriorly the dogs remain tied for 30 minutes If the bitch will not stand for the dog can use artificial insemination Pregnancy diagnosis Palpation Ultrasound Radiographs skeletons of 45 day fetuses when skeletons become calcified Relaxin hormone assay in blood sample at 20 days Relaxin blood tests use at 20 day gestation or later cost about 10 each Gestation in bitch 63 days long in general 2 months Can predict parturition by measuring rectal temperature of the bitch twice a days it drops from 100 100 5 to 99 or 98 at 8 to 12 hours before parturition Parturition by bitch Delivery remove amniotic sac and stimulate breathing Make sure all puppies nurse and defecate meconium within one hour of birth Feline reproduction Queens are polyestrous coming into estrus several times during the year Anestrus proestrus estrus postestrus if no ovulation OR diestrus if ovulated Ovulation is induced by copulation stimulates release of LH 8 to 12 copulation provides maximal LH in order to have maximum number of kittens See handout Mare seasonal polyestrous spring breeders Breeding of cats Take queen to the tom Tom mounts and bites neck of female Intromission ejaculation and dismounting are quick dog is not The queen cries out loudly leaps away and rolls around for several minutes Multiple breedings over days ensure optimal fertilization Ovulate for 2 3 days allow breeding for 2 3 days Penis has 120 150 spines and bulbourethral glands spines is why female cry out Cat pregnancies 66 days Confirm by palpation or ultrasounds Queening giving birth rarely has problems lasts 4 to 42 hours avg 14 hours Horse reproduction Mares are seasonally polyestrous long day breeders 21 day long estrous cycle 7 days in estrus 11 month pregnancy Fetus delivery is short 12 to 30 min Lecture 9 March 9 Diagnostics Common Diagnostic Tests Blood CBC Complete Blood Count Chemistry panel proteins glucose etc Urine Specific gravity a measure of how concentrated it is Cells bacteria Imaging Radiography Using x rays Image internal structures Product is radiograph Can kill living cells Can damage genetic material in spermatozoa and ova Injury tends to be cumulative Producing digital x ray images software can enhance and manipulate the image allows images to be saved stored retrieved transmitted Radiographic interpretation Dense tissues such as bone permit few x rays to penetrate bones appear white in image Does not

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TAMU ANSC 210 - Exam 2 Study Guide

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Pages: 22
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