UNT JOUR 2000 - History of Advertisement

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JOUR 2000 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Advertising intro Outline of Current Lecture II Creative revolution III Evolution Revolution IV American Economic system V Critical Mass VI Media and Advertising Current Lecture 1960 s Bill Bernback Made the biggest difference copywriter DDB Paul Rand Graphic designer Words Images Visual brought into word heavy advertising This is what started the creative revolution Evolution revolution The printing press First thing printed Bible Created a reason for people to earn to read which led to need for education Before people could read how did they hear about the Bible Church so once they got the Bible printed they could decide about church All affected because of the invention of the printing press American economic system Supply and Demand When product is short what happens to the price Price increases Access to information Democratic idea How The internet Caveat Emptor Let the buyer beware if you have access to info you will have a knowledgeable buyer making rational decisions Reasonable behavior comes from Caveat emptor Central mass for modern advertising Mass produced goods Pre industrial Rev people were farmers and made alot of stuff by hand Must become known and popular to buy Mass communication To get the word out to the public Mass distribution Got to have stuff to buy so gotta get to the stores transportation Mass education People need to be education so that media ads can have an affect Educated more money more money buy more Media and Advertising Newspaper Department stores were the first big ad retailers still primary advertisers in local newspaper Magazines first true national medium singular Jr Walter Thompson thought about ads in mags sell for space Radio 1922 first radio commercial Great depression made radio what it is medium of free entertainment sponsorships Television WWII 1945 end babies 1946 baby boom to 1964 Important People Rosser Reeves Concept called unique selling proposition there can only be one idea in an ad to make it memorable one of a kind Leo Burnett Open agency in Chicago Inherent drama idea within every product developed characters like Tony the tiger David Ogilvy Britain influenced by Reeves Believer in research know before you can talk about it Mary Wells Lawrence queen worked a DDB 7 years Started agency Wells Rion

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UNT JOUR 2000 - History of Advertisement

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