CS6350 Big Data Analytics and Management Spring 2015 DUE DATE March 6 11 59pm TA Gbadebo Ayoade gga110020 utdallas edu Homework 2 In this homework you will learn how to solve problems using Map Reduce Please apply Hadoop map reduce to derive some statistics from IMDB movie data You can find the dataset in elearning Copy the data into your hadoop cluster and use it as input data You can use the put or copyFromLocal HDFS shell command to copy those files into your HDFS directory There are 3 datafiles movies dat ratings dat users dat Use the same data as in homework 1 Please read the README file to know about the data organization and to know about the Attribute of the data All are very well explained in that README file In class there will be brief demo discussion about that Please read the questions carefully and use only the data file that you need Some question may need only users dat or some question may need only movies dat After being familiar with the data you are required to write efficient Hadoop MapReduce programs in Java to find the following information Q1 Find top 5 average movies rated by female users and print out the titles and the average rating given to the movie by female users This question involves filtering joining data from multiple files and job chaining You should use reduce side join for this question Note First of all get all movies rated by female users then find the average rating given to each movie by female users You will need all the three data files for this question Please check out the lecture on hadoop programming given in class for implementation sample Hadooplecture2withsamplecode zip You can find the document at the url below from elearning Requires elearning username and password https elearning utdallas edu bbcswebdav pid 727586 dt content rid 6316587 1 xid6316587 1 e g Given ratings dat as Note this is just an example data format for simplicity userid movied ratings 1 30 4 1 40 3 2 20 3 2 30 4 3 30 2 users dat as userid 1 2 3 gender M F F we can see from this data that user 2 and 3 are Females We can see movie id 30 is rated by users 2 and 3 therefore the average rating given to the movieid with id 30 by female users is 4 2 2 3 since user 2 and 3 are females and they rated the movie with id 30 ratings 4 and 2 respectively Note we are ignoring the rating given by the male user with id 1 even though the user rated the movie with id 30 also You will then join the results obtained above to the movies dat file to get the title Your final result can be in the following format title of movies avg rating by females Toy Story 3 5 To run your jobs use the following syntax hadoop jar name of jar file Classname input dir output dir extra input paramter Submission You have to upload your submission via e learning before due date Please upload the following to eLearning 1 Two jar files one for each problem One jar file containing all solutions 2 Java files which have the source code 3 A Readme text file about how to run your jar file Give the command to run your jar file Q2 Given the id of a movie find all userids gender and age of users who rated the movie 4 or greater You will input the movie id from command line For this question use map side join to implement join in hadoop To implement map side join you will be loading users dat in the hadoop distributed cache Please check out the second lecture on hadoop programming given in class for implementation sample Hadooplecture2withsamplecode zip You can find the document at the url below on elearing Requires elearning username and password https elearning utdallas edu bbcswebdav pid 727586 dt content rid 6316587 1 xid6316587 1 Use the users dat and ratings dat
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