UH KIN 3305 - Female Athletes

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KIN 3305 1st Edition Lecture 17 Female Athletes and Gender Equity Contemporary Issues and Concerns Outline of Previous Lecture I QUIZ II Basic Factors for Increased Female Sport Participation cont III Important Points IV Cautious Optimism Potential Inhibitors to Increased Participation V Advocacy Groups VI International Support Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI Title IX and Gender Equity Compliance Issues Longitudinal Research Unfounded Myths Notions Fables and False Perceptions Conclusion Current Lecture I II III Title IX and Gender Equity a Sponsorship agreements traditionally lacking b Sport participation still considered nontraditional in certain sports Compliance Issues a Title IX directed by the U S Department of Education s Office of Civil Rights OCR Three tests have been employed to determine whether an institution complies with Title IX mandates i The Proportionality Test ii History of Progress Test iii Accommodation of Interest Test b Compliance is achieved when a school meets one of the tests Longitudinal Research These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV V VI VII VIII IX a Acosta and Carptenter 2012 offer the best and most comprehensive analysis of the effects of Title IX and females in sport leadership roles b Note the unanticipated shortcomings of Title IX Unfounded Myths a The notion that females lack the requisite physical strength and energy to fully participate in competitive sports and athletics b Perpetuated for centuries and supported via unfounded medical writings of the 19th century Notions Fables and False Perceptions a Lenskyj 1986 in Eitzen 1996 cites 19th century medical writings depicting upper class women as being inherently weak sickly hypocondriacal and intellectually incapable of understanding medical matter and their own bodies p 333 b Sociologist W I Thomas 1907 argued that the anatomy of women rendered them inept for the expensiture of physiological energy through motor action Psychosocial Impact of Sport and Physical Activity on Women a Contrasting research findings Harris 1986 Kaplan 1979 Wilmore 1974 Woods 2011 indicate that few physical obstructions inhibit the full participation of women in sport and fitness activities b In a survey of 125 athletic trainers in the Journal of the American Medical Association only 3 thought that female athletes were more injury prone than males Documented Benefits a Sport physical activity involvement betters rather than worsens psychological health MENTAL HEALTH b Sport physical activity involvement contributes to self confidence self esteem self image self actualization higher energy levels and better health and wellbeing PHYSICAL WELL BEING c Sport physical activity involvement enhance feelings of empowerment independence and personal control power as a result of PERCEIVED EMPOWERMENT Contemporary Research a Many social theorists and medical professionals alike agree that women s limitations in sports have less to do with genetics than social codes that restrict and inhibit their full participation Gender Logic a Criticism of athletes often at the expense of women by coaches when performance does not meet prescribed expectations b Coaches frequently use uncomplimentary statements that demean women to motivate male athletes X c If skill is done properly it s done as a boy or man if done improperly it s done as a girl or woman e g throws like a girl play like a bunch of sissies d Woody Hayes OSU Head Football Coach i I hear they re even letting w o m e n in their sports program now That s your Women s Liberation boy bunch of goddamn lesbians you can bet your ass that if you have women around you aren t gonna be worth a damn The best way to treat a women is to knock her up and hide her shoes Conclusion a Being female according to gender logic means being a failure or inept It is invariably a form of institutionalized discrimination and akin to stereotyping

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UH KIN 3305 - Female Athletes

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