UW-Milwaukee ARTHIST 101 - Ancient Greece Era

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ARTHIST 101 1st Edition Lecture 17 Ancient Greece Era Lysippos Weary Herakles Marble copy from Rome Italy of bronze original c 320 BC Half God Half man State of Repose Club and lion skin presented Herakles hand opened up to see golden apples Aftermath of seemingly impossible task Weariness from the accomplishment of the 12 labors Intensely human moment Humanizing the Gods Amplification of weakness in muscles and overt weight of the body Contemplation Philoxenos of Eretria Battle of Issus Tessera Mosaic Roman copy from the house of Faun Pompeii Italy c 310 BC Greek ideals not the Roman Alexander the Great presented Heavily outnumbered Alexander decimates Darius and his army Battle of Issus taking place Modeled himself after the Greeks but still Macedonian represented Hellenistic Amplify Alexander s courage Aspects of late classical period shown Fear in the faces of the Persians These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Alexander multitasking riding the horse starring down Darius The Hellenistic Period Collapse of army through civil war Defeat and pessimism common in this era Figures moving at dynamic angles Nearing what is happening to Greece at the time Epigonos Dying Gaul Marble copy of bronze original Pergamon Turkey c 230 220 BC Return to the bronze for the period Barbarian outside of the Greek world Typical example of Hellenistic imagery Rippling in musculature State of defeat Moment of death Spilling blood flowing down the side of the body Torque band of bronze around his neck Very different in style than the rest of the Greeks Pressing up with right arm attempting to stabilize himself Shattered sword lying next to him Muscles pushed to the breaking point showing the tension in his body Heightened senses of psychology in face Defeated Naturalistic presentation Nike alighting on a Warship Nike of Samothrace Marble Samothrace Greece c 190 BC Appendix goddess of Athena Base intended to look like the prowl of a warship Striding on top of the deck as wings bulge out behind her Splash of the sea coming down on her Very functional figure Exaggerated stride in contrapassto Sculptor is so precise that this is wet fabric stuck to the body Sensualized legs and feminine forms are shown See the body through the drapery Seated Boxer Bronze from Rome Italy c 100 50 BC Seated alone in the mud Rare example of the surviving bronze of this era Romans have overtaken the Greeks at this point Idealized body ripped Dejected Boxer Naturalistic Leather on hands is attempt to keep his hand together not a cushion Knockout unconscious is the way to win So exhausted that he is begging for mercy from his opponent Overt pessimistic defeat Athanadoros Hagesandros and Polydoros of Rhodes Laocoon and His sons Marble Rome Italy Early 1 st Century BC Out of the elements of Homer Laocoon is a priest of Troy Trojan Musculature is once again pushed to the breaking point Everything exaggerated pushed to its highest degree Snakes water serpents wrap up the three to kill them His family defeated He ll never get to save his people Pleading with the Gods in his last moment Dejection of the populist

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