UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Discordant Harmonies

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HIST 107 1st Edition Lecture 21 Outline of Last Lecture I Sin Penance and Community II Orthodoxy and Heresy Outline of Current Lecture I II Gothic Architecture Christian attitudes toward non believers III Scholasticism Vernacular Literature IV Current Lecture Discordant Harmonies Europe is experiencing a period of growth expansion etc around the 13 th century Gothic Architecture Image Saint Denis church Gothic Architecture o Gothic architecture required a great deal of education skill etc o Another famous example is the Notre Dame Cathedral o Massive structures flying buttresses stain glass windows could take centuries to complete o Discordant Harmony The light doesn t exist without the shadow Why do the Middle Ages end Christian attitudes toward non believers Jews have a presence throughout the middle ages Attacks and forced conversion Images The Ecclesia church and the Synagogue o The first is to represent the Christian Faith and the second the Jewish faith These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o In Second figure is blindfolded and holding a book and a broken staff power bent over with head down the old testament o In the First standing tall bearing the cross wearing a crown symbol of authority the new testament o These statues are outside of a gothic cathedral Image The Blood Libel Simon Trent Chronicle of Nuremburg ca 1400s o Sensational and exaggerated image that highlights a common accusation that on Passover Jews would murder a Christian child Image Bleeding Host Dijon ca 1400s o Depicted more irrational stories of Jewish anti Christian behavior There are enduring shifts in anti Jewish sentiment throughout this period Laws are passed Jews are marginalized and Jews are cut out of guilds and almost all lines of work aside from money lending Scholasticism education in the schools scholae Hollister and Bennett Medieval Europe p 310 Scholastics sought to bring together all knowledge religious and worldly past and present classical and Christian into one unified whole and their methods used logic to reconcile parts of knowledge that seemed to be in conflict but could scholastics believed be proven compatible One attempt of scholasticism was to synthesize reconcile and unify all knowledge o To connect the bible to all teachings o Sometimes described as an effort to harmonize faith and reason Thomas Aquinas 1225 1274 and the Summa Theologica viewed as the most famous intellectual of this period sought to unify knowledge about society the church the world etc Aristotle and the Eternality of the World many people begin to study Aristotle s teaching the world is eternal o discordant note because Christians believe that God created the world while Aristotle teaches that the world is eternal o The church sees this conflict and tries to ban his works unsuccessful Vernacular Literature The emergence and flourishing of written vernacular literature characterizes the 12 th 13th and 14th centuries Dante Alighieri 1265 1321 and The Divine Comedy but also De vulgari eloquentia o Written in Italians in contrast to the typical Latin o His second noted work was to support the writing of literature in Italian Chaucer 1342 1400 Canterbury Tales o Wrote in middle English o Foundational work of English literature Arthurian legends as space for writers to explore complications over feelings thoughts paradoxes of love and devotion desire and loyalty

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Discordant Harmonies

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