Jour 201 2nd Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Chapters 7 11 Lecture 10 11 Evaluating Public Relations Effectiveness Goal Research Objectives Strategy Action Evaluation Evaluation It is an ongoing process o Traditional News Releases Website Visitors Videos produced o Additional Evaluation measurements behavior attitude of ppl Why o Help us design effective campaigns programs o Improve upon our implementation o Target resources and improve cost effectiveness o Improve the design of campaigns programs products organizational effectiveness etc How o Traditional measures of Evaluation NEWS RELEASES USED WEBSITE VISITORS VIDEOS PRODUCED AND USED o Additional measures of Evaluation Behavior Attitudes Knowledge Awareness impact analysis Evaluation is an on going process Formative Learn more about aspects of an issue affected populations guide campaign program design establish baseline status of awareness attitudes behaviors pretest materials On going Quantify what has been done when where how and who has been reached identify how public is reacting to messages identify problems or areas for adjustment help explain why expected changes did or did not occur Summative measures change in desired outcomes awareness attitudes behaviors against objectives o Keep in mind Changes may not be due to campaign Continuous constant Evaluation environment Media coverage and impact o Clip count simply counting editorial coverage that mentions brand organization o Media Impressions a calculation used to measure the amount of people exposed to a message o Content analysis can be used to measure tone of mentions o Event measurement Measure media impressions event generated Measure impact event had on attendees o Word of mouth Or interpersonal communication Lack of trust in advertising Peer recommendation a powerful influencer in public opinion and purchasing o Web based messages Track the number of page views and unique visitors news stories earn Measurement strategies Relationship with media representatives Impact their messages have on the publics they want to reach Number of people reached How many media used their messages Value their efforts have for the organization Audience coverage Keep a record of what messages were sent and where they were sent Track what releases were used and by whom Measure intended and unintended audience coverage Audience response Pretest messaging with a sample of target audience focus group Surveys can measure audience recall and response Want to understand if message attracts attention arouses interest or retained understood Track media treatment of stories Campaign impact Think back to goals and objectives Measured during and after campaign Generally attitudinal but can also be behavioral Actions complaints inquiries Environmental mediation Seek to understand how social cultural economic forces may influence the success or failure of a campaign Lessons learned o A global campaign can reach huge audiences and increase interpersonal communication o Adapting a global campaign to local culture can increase effectiveness o Longer form communication documentaries can have more of an impact o Campaigns need to know their audiences and evaluation is key to understanding Lecture 12 Social Media All media are social ideas are not channel specific Social media can increase the ability to reach larger audiences Social media provides ways to share collaborate and mobilize collective action Highly targeted direct messaging to interested individuals Word of mouth from peers and authenticity in communication from organization increases trust and perceived reliability by stakeholder Altruism social media offers the ability to publicly recognize the action of supporters and volunteers o Personal customizable or give the ability to create something new o About the public o Spur debate o Create incentive Lecture 13 Employee Communication When lines of communication are open between employees organizational goals are more likely to be achieved Employees interact with customers the community investors media Organizational culture refers to the character of an organization its history its approach to decision making its way of treating employees and its way of dealing with the world outside People are loyal to culture not strategy Centralized decision making by CEO and a few high level managers Participative culture employees are empowered to make decisions Management creates culture How PR Create the Culture o Establish organizational communication policy based on a goal oriented approach o Design and implement organizational change programs o Provide expertise as employee communicators o Policies should reflect managements desire to Keep employees informed of organizational goals objectives and plans inform employees of organizational activities problems and accomplishments Encourage employees to provide input info and feedback to management based on experience insights feelings creativity and reason Level with employees about negative sensitive or controversial issues Encourage frequent honest job related two way communication among managers and their subordinates Communicate issues before employees learn from media Establish a culture where innovation and creativity are encourage 6 steps to effective change management 1 Change starts at the top 2 Key audience is management 3 View employees as a public not a captive audience 4 Actions speak louder than words 5 Employees seek meaning in their work lives 6 Keep the marketplace competition customer trends first and foremost in aligning internal messaging Role as an expert o Forecast and monitor relationships with key audiences o Plan flexible communication structures so that employees will understand and support new situations and organizational environments o Communicate employee benefits 1 selection of benefit or program goal 2 direct vs indirect strategy 3 communication objectives 4 tactics media selection and implementation inserts enclosures booklets and manuals displays and posters 5 evaluation Lecture 14 Community Relations Must always recognize the interdependence of organizations and their communities Community relations an institutions planned active and continuing participation with and within a community to maintain and enhance its environment to the benefit of both the institution and the community Brands organizations non profits gov t and state agencies Protect organizations increase sales and stock improve general operating climate
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