Soc 101 Exam 1 Study guide Ch 1 Ch 5 What is sociology sociological imagination C Wright Mills Emile Durkheim Suicide types of solidarity social integration social facts origins of sociology as a discipline social Darwinism Herbert Spencer Auguste Comte positivism Karl Marx types of alienation Max Weber protestant ethic capitalism verstehen symbolic interactionism dramaturgy Goffman functionalism aka structural functionalism or functional analysis o manifest latent functions dysfunctions conflict theory W E B DuBois Jane Addams applied sociology steps of conducting research operational definitions of variables variables hypothesis validity reliability correlation vs causation spurious cause effect and spurious correlations text how to read a table text how not to do research text different research methods population vs sample representative sample random sample stratified random sample snowball sample importance of wording ordering of survey questions response bias Pager s experiment Mark of a Criminal Record class lecture text ethical issues in sociological research o what is unethical in sociological research Brajuha research text Ch 2 Tuskegee Syphilis Study Milgram s obedience to authority study Zimbardo s simulated prison study Laud Humphrey s study of gay sex in public bathrooms what is culture material vs nonmaterial symbolic culture ethnocentrism cultural relativism e g female genital cutting different facets of symbolic culture gestures language values norms sanctions e g Ebonics or African American Vernacular English Sapir Whorf hypothesis prescriptive vs proscriptive sanctions norms folkways vs mores vs taboos subcultures countercultures Chicago school vs Birmingham school approach to studying subcultures cultural diffusion cultural lag cultural leveling values clusters contradictions clash Chapter 4 Social structures and social institutions definitions what are the institutions Social facts Social location Macrosociology functionalism conflict theory vs Microsociology Symbolic Interactionism Examples of social structures shaping individual behavior o Zimbardo Quiet Rage o Edin Kefalas Promises I Can Keep o Chambliss Saints Roughnecks Components of social structure culture social class social status roles groups social institutions know each Status occupy a status o Status set o Master status o Achieved status o Ascribed status o Status Inconsistency Roles play a role o Role conflict o Role strain Films o Role exit Gemeinschaft and gesellschaft text Stereotypes text Goffman dramaturgy text Ethnomethodology text Social construction of reality text Total institutions text Functionalism and social institutions functional requisites o Replace members o Socialize new members o Produce and distribute goods services o Preserve order o Provide a sense of purpose Conflict theorists and social institutions o institutions preserve privilege Split Horn Quiet Rage Devil s Playground Jesus Camp The above list should give you a general outline of course content However please note that you are responsible for all class materials all lectures book chapters films short videos examples cited in class lectures it s all fair game The pre and post tests offered by the online text book Pearson study resources will be helpful in studying for the exam
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