SC SOCY 101 - sociology exam 2

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Annette Lareau Q A from Unequal Childhoods Lareau wanted to produce a realistic picture of families with elementary school children using black white middle class working class and poor backgrounds 12 families for 21 days Concerted cultivation middle class parents actively foster their children s talents opinions and skills Emerging sense of entitlement through concerted cultivation middle class children gain this mindset The accomplishment of natural growth working class and poor families care love and set limits for their children but also allow them to grow individually Emerging sense of restraint working class and poor families are distrustful of school or health care institutions for fear of them taking their children away Americans are strong individualists The impact of inequality on life course outcomes often under emphasized relative to variables like race Come Together Our Need to Cooperate by Valdesolo in Scientific America Humans are natural born imitators and synchronizers people who move together survive together The study showed that the coordination of others leads to future success in other tasks Excuse Me May I Have Your Seat by Luo in The New York Times Dr Milgram first had graduate students conduct an experiment in which they boarded a crowded train and asked people for their seat over and over again in order to study the web of unwritten rules Students reported that the study was difficult to carry out almost unethical We are All Bystanders by Keltner and March in Greater Good People witness problems around them consider action and then respond by doing nothing remaining a bystander Infamous story of Kitty Genovese 38 bystanders admitted to hearing her screams and at least 3 said they saw part of the attack take place yet no one intervened Diffusion confusion of responsibility when people think there were other witnesses to the emergency they feel less personal responsibility to intervene Pluralistic ignorance the tendency to mistake one another s calm demeanor as a sign that no emergency is actually taking place People are more likely to help others when they are not late and when the victims are similar to themselves Culture Slides Cultural scripts o Modes of behavior and understanding that are not universal or natural but may strongly shape beliefs or concepts held by society example gender roles Shows how the larger culture affects the individual o Sociobiology explores ways in which human biology affects how we create culture Evolution by natural selection Kinsey argues that males not females desire sex with a variety of partners Critical view biology does not DETERMINE behavior but occasionally some cultural patterns are each to learn than others You act like your father when you re mad Is it biological meaning your fathers genes make you act like him Or is it social meaning that you learned to act like that from him Values and Norms o Values are moral beliefs or patterned relationships between norms and society o Socialization process by which a person internalizes the values beliefs and norms of society and learns to function as a member of that society o Hardware physical and biological components of a person o Software social digital programming of a person Ideology o A system of guiding beliefs an understanding of cause and effect o Religious political scientific ideologies for example o The values of each ideology share convictions about what is important to a person Reflection Theory o States that culture is a projection of social structures and relationships into the public sphere o Must admit 1 Culture is impacted by what appears to in the public sphere 2 The public sphere reflects social structures and relationships held in the culture Cultural Change o Cultural integration the interdependence of various elements of a cultural system Example relationship between women s higher participation in labor force average age of 1st marriage and rising divorce rates o Cultural lag situation in which technological innovations change more quickly than the cultural system in which they exist Stem cell research too many moral conflicts to continue research Civil War new guns created bloodier warfare Same sex couple divorce w children custody rights o Causes of cultural change Invention invention of telephone Discovery discovery of penicillin Diffusion baseball in Japan after WWII Media o Any formats or vehicles that carry present or communicate info books posters web pages radio etc o Mass media media that reaches the masses o Media has evolved from the 1st printing press to the beginning of movies to news reports today o Hegemony refers to the impact of media on culture and how people and societies shape and are shaped by the dominant culture o Politics in the media 6 companies own media ownership in the US that affect the info communicated to the public Consumerism the view that happiness and fulfillment can be achieved through acquisition of material possessions Cultural jamming tactic used by many anti consumerists to disrupt or subvert media by altering ads Cancer Camel cigarette ad Socialization Slides Socialization the process by which individuals internalize the values beliefs and norms of a given society and learn to function as a member of that society o Does NOT explain everything about a person s development and personality o Includes biological and social interactions along with nature vs nurture Charles Darwin o Economic system Europeans believed that their culture was dominant and advanced o Gender stereotypes objective reality o Crime John B Watson o Behaviorism o Scaring children experiment Responded to nature vs nurture by saying nature AND nurture are important Hereditary traits o Results in variations of potential in intelligence artistic aptitude personality Social Isolation o Anna locked in storage room until age 5 Had severe social dysfunctions o Genie tied to a port a potty until age 13 Had the physique of a 5 year old o Without early childhood socialization the brain does not fully develop o Rhesus monkey experiment monkeys were isolated at birth with a fake wire or plush mother monkey Even though the wire monkey had milk the babies still migrated toward the plush mother and therefore developed better social skills Approaches to Socialization o Freud s Elements of Personality as we are socialized we innately desire bonding kinship along with conflict violence and aggression Id impulsive and unconscious part of brain that responds

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