UMass Amherst PSYCH 350 - Concrete Operational Period

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Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 21 Outline of Last Lecture I Broken rod experiment II Infant cognition III Ore knowledge IV Piaget Outline of Current Lecture II Concrete operational period III Multiple classification IV Class inclusion V Formal operational VI Inhibitory task Current Lecture Mountains problems The concrete operational period from 7 to 11 years marked by symbolic logical thought about concrete entities increasingly successful at classification multiple classifications class inclusion Serration transitivity understanding of order video multiple classification separating pencils two categories big and green class inclusion 10 cards with white daisy s 3 cards with a rose on it ask if they have more daisy s or more flowers video transitivity Paul is bigger than George and henry is smaller than George who is the tallest These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute formal operational 11 years on involves to the addition of abstract reasoning to concrete operational skills represents the upper level of intelligence hypothetico deductive reasoning skills given a hypothesis or set of facts can you deduce predictions inductive reasoning egocentrism imaginary audience teenagers feel like they are constantly judged personal fable someone who thinks nothing back will happen to them but it can happen to other people Kentucky will probably beat umass in basketball Example pendulum problem compare the motions of longer and shorter strings with lighter and heavier weights attached in order to determine the influence of weight string length and dropping point on the time it takes for the pendulum to swing back and forth children below the age of 12 usually perform unsystematic experiments and draw incorrect conclusions percentage of college students displaying formal thought gave college students different problems in different domains contributions piaget founded the modern field of cognition development his overall description of changes in cognitive abilities is accurate he has had a huge influence on educational settings and pedagogies used in education basic level processes the development of executive function working memory inhibition interference control cognitive flexibility inhibitory task 3 and 4 year olds do very poorly on this task have a card with a sun and a card with a moon say day when you see sun say night when you see a moon then switch it say night when you see sun say day when you see moon invest money in preschool get a lot of change cant get change when in high school

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