UW-Milwaukee ARTHIST 101 - Ancient Greece

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Arthist 101 1st Edition Lecture 16 Current Lecture Kresilas Pericles Marble copy of Bronze original c 429 BC Come to victory through their alignment of the Deli Rebuilt Athens Pericles guides us through the classical period Naturalistic depiction Mask disguises the forehead Musculature of the body Amplifies the ideal image of the leader Aerial view of the Acropolis Athens Greece Center of all enterprise Athena vs Poseidon Renewal to the site complex Iktinos and Kallikrates Parthenon Acropolis Athens Greece c 447 438 BC Following the same set of architectures Doric exterior Temple dedicated to Athena Interior is an ionic freeze Looking at a shell of what it once was Contortions created in the distance Illusion of perfection from down in the city Idea of experimental theoretical mathematicians Greater complexities In the ratios greater sense of tension x 2y 1 Little fragments only survive These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Machys mythological battles Phidias Athena Parthenos Parthenon Acropolis Athens Greece 38 c 438 BC Not Nude Strides forward Column is of the Corinthian order holy objects Nike appendant goddess of victory She is the living embodiment of the temple Reconstruction of the East fa ade of the Parthenon Acropolis Athens Greece c 438 432 BC Birth of Athena As much of a naturalistic form of birth Athena is simply touching Zeus s head where she came from Chariots and seated goddesses Figures are crouching as pediment is sloping down The ground line of the pediment is the horizon sun rising Three Goddesses Marble From the East pediment of the Parthenon Acropolis Athens Greece c 438432 BC Aphrodite on the far right side Revealing shoulder and upper breast Nudity was more ideal of the human form not overtly sexual Helios with His horses and Dionysos or Herakles Marble from the east pediment of the Parthenon Acropolis Athens Greece c 438 432 BC The Late Classical Period Sparta ceases Athens Ideals of prosperity and naturalism Growing sense of more of everyday humans Gods being shown as much more humanized Growing pessimism Praxiteles Aphrodite of Knidos Marble Copy of original c 350 340 BC Own cannon of proportions Revolutionary figure First nude female figure setting up a cannon for female feminism Narrow shoulders small breasts small head more of the body than the face Lost in her own thoughts pessimistic Shades her pubic region Goddess reduced down to humanized form Incredibly common going into the bath after she drops her robe Contrapassto Lysippos Apoxyomenos The scraper Marble copy of bronze original c 330 BC Athletic being Competed in the nude Covered themselves in oil then use ceramic to scrape oil dirt off body cleaning himself Engage to understand the figure Overtly humanized

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