UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Order and Exclusion

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HIST 107 1nd Edition Lecture 21 Outline of Last Lecture I The Apostolic Life Cistercian Order II Poverty and Piety III Women and Mysticism Outline of Current Lecture I Sin Penance and Community II Orthodoxy and Heresy Current Lecture Order and Exclusion Showcased Source Jacques Fournier s Episcopal Register R I Moore The Formation of a Persecuting Society the eleventh and twelfth centuries saw what turned out to be a permanent change in Western society Persecution became habitual That is to say not simply that individuals were subject to violence but that deliberate and socially sanctioned violence began to be directed through established governmental judicial and social institutions against groups of people defined by general characteristics such as race religion or a way of life and that membership of such groups in itself came to be regarded as justifying these attacks o Moore s book has been widely criticized but the idea that the 12 th and 13th centuries fostered changes in Christian medieval society s treatment of outsiders is very important o intolerance and brutality also characterized this period These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Ex the inquisition Complicated realities vs stereotypes In judicial hearings torture was permitted as a means of eliciting evidence A SIN PENANCE AND COMMUNITY Rosenwein Short History dynamic growth and flourishing in the high middle ages Historians sometimes speak of the rise of humanism with its emphasis on the dignity of human beings the splendor of the natural world and the nobility of reason in the twelfth century Yet the new stress on the loving bonds that tied Christians together also led to the persecution of others like Jews and Muslims who lives outside the Christian community Apostles Creed what Christians belief in official form o c 180 early Christian statement of faith o Belief in god son of god crucified Christ resurrection o How did Christians regulate their beliefs in the early medieval period One factor was penance Penance rendering satisfaction for sins against God making amends o Ex give alms to poor pray fast pilgrimage a public act witnessed by the community elements of shame and community judgment o Thedore of Tarsus d 668 Penitential Private form of penance with an individual and a priest These manuals are created that lay out consequences for certain actions o Consequences excommunication extreme cases cut off from the church and the wider community and interdict an entire town being cut off from sacraments B ORTHODOXY AND HERESY Fourth Lateran Council canon 3 defining with new precision what it means to be Christian and member of Christian society o We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy raising itself up against the holy orthodox and catholic faith which we have expounded above We condemn all heretics whatever names they may go under They have different faces indeed but their tails are tied together inasmuch as they are alike in their pride Let those condemned be handed over to the secular authorities present or to their bailiffs for due punishment Canon 3 Heretics defined and imagined Waldensians Cathars southern France and the Rest Chronicle of Trier1231 Chronicle of Trier referenced in RosenweinReading the Middle Ages The Albigensian Crusade taking the cross against heretics in southern France Innocent III encouraging people to fight in a holy war in southern France and to then enjoy the benefits of crusaders Inquisitorial procedures and offices in the thirteenth century bishops torture and archives as new forms of disciplining Christendom o A more formalized idea that the church should develop methods for investigating heresy is defined during the 13th century o Inquisitors keep careful records investigations this is a third example of the importance of record keeping the other two are that records were critical to royal government and papal governance o Many inquisitors were educated at universities o If someone receives the death penalty they are remanded to the local authority for execution so that the church is not responsible for shedding his her blood o The Inquisition was yet another example of institutions coming to be in medieval society

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UNC-Chapel Hill HIST 107 - Order and Exclusion

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