Gened 140 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Chapters 3 5 6 Chapter 3 Old immigration was directed vs new immigration is multidirectional 1965 immigration laws changed quotas were less strict became more liberal Chain migration when immigrants start to bring in a wide range of relatives past the point of reunification Many immigrants go to areas with rapid job growth south and west Mexicans are pulled to the Midwest for growing industrial jobs and meatpacking Brain Drain Skilled and educated people immigrate from poor countries to more industrialized countries leaving their home countries without any natural leaders Top 5 counties of origin Asia China India Philippines Mexico Melting pot metros Metropolitan areas with no racial or ethnic majority no longer have a white majority no one group is above 50 percent Chapter 5 Four main themes of language 1 All languages begin small 2 All languages have their origins in a state of geographic isolation 3 Languages grow and become dominant through power 4 Languages are constantly in flux changing dynamic Origin of English English hybridizes with old Norse Viking English is a product of isolation from other Germans and hybridization with both Norse and French culture Nostratic tree Nostratic Afro asiatic Kartvelian Indo European Dravidian Uralic Eurstratic Altaic Saving dying languages Government makes and effort to save language teach dying language in schools put the language on street signs Chapter 6 Big trend Polytheism to Monotheism mainly to Christianity and Islam Nordic Religions Christianity Universalizing Christianity Islam Buddhism Ethnic Hinduism born into Particular Judaism converting is more difficult more inclusive Proselytizing seeking converts Mormon Non Proselytizing do not seek converts Judaism Buddhism 2500 years old 500 BC Christianity 2000 years old 0 CE Islam 13600 years old 640 CE Monotheistic Abrahamic Particularistic Ethnic Judaism Hinduism Christianity Judaism Islam Native American Polytheism African Polytheism
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