Psych 350 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Broken Rod experiment II Infant cognition III Core knowledge IV piaget Outline of Current Lecture II Cognitive development III Assimilation and accommodation IV stages Current Lecture Piaget developed theory in cog development theory how cogitation might develop in children starting t birth until adulthood methods resulting in many classic examples of the limitations of children s theories thought that infants were born with very little or no knowledge cognitive development assumes very little is present at birth intelligence begins in the form of motor actions sensorimotor scheme at first these schemes become organized this occurs through the adaptive process of assimilation and accommodation assimilation and accommodation are the process by which the schemes change taking in information assimilation changing information accommodation stages sensorimotor learning about objects and their physical properties object permanence A not B error 6 or 7 months of age go to location a when the object I sin b video children searching for objects menas ends behavior These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute child has toy on far end of cloth they have to pull cloth to get toy because its too far away preoperational egocentrism an ability to apply logic to solve conversation problems centration lack of reversibility focus on states example of conservation show to items are equal do transformation to one item so it looks like its more and the child will choose that video liquid example mountain task concrete operational formal operational
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