UNT JOUR 2000 - Strategy and Conflict

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JOUR 2000 1st Edition Lecture 10 Outline of Last Lecture I Ethics Law Cont Outline of Current Lecture II PR Strategy III PR Conflict Current Lecture PR strategy Why do we plan Stay in line with organizational mission Gain and effectively manage resources Help us be pro active and set the agenda Help guide and use research Effectively communicate with publics PR process Research learn about organization publics SWOT Planning strategy of problem solving Communication execute strategy Evaluation measure effectiveness of plan In the real world this is not a linear process you will go back and forth many times PR often needs to be nimble enough to respond to a particular news cycle or situation like a crisis This may be call an Ad Hoc plan Standing Plan understands long terms goals and relationships and aims to meet those goals and nurture those relationships Contingency Plan address what if scenarios Goals general statement of where you want to go and what you want to do or accomplish 1 Objectives these are specific statement of what you want to do 2 Strategies general statement of how you are going to accomplish objectiveS 3 Tactics specific steps you will take PR Tactics Publicity press conferences interviews speeches Publications plans reports newsletters Special events media events Personal meetings fundraisers annual meetings Sponsorship volunteer News Release Media Advisory media kits Videos PSA s ads actualities Talking points op ed prepackaged stories Social media websites email Research

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UNT JOUR 2000 - Strategy and Conflict

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