UNT JOUR 2000 - Ethics & Law

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JOUR 2000 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Int l Intercultural PR Outline of Current Lecture II Ethics III Law Current Lecture How much freedom of speech do we have What avenues of speech communication do we have access to i e mass communication etc Do people have equal rights in terms of free public speech 1st amendment guarantees Freedom of Speech Press Right to assemble Limits on freedom of speech can come in 2 ways Political limits Political debates about freedom of speech concern whether civil rights have been violated Ex Hate speech hate crimes Bullying hot issue Wikileaks Economic Debates concern the loss of financial value the ability loss of ability to make money ownership intellectual property and harm to reputation that is financially damaging Ex Paparazzi music sampling How does free speech in the US differs from other countries cultures Authoritarian Prohibits any press or speech act that undermines gov t authority the common good is defined by the ruling class and objection is not tolerated still exists in some developing countries with authoritarian government Critical scholars would argue that media conglomerates may act as authoritarian forces to prevent subversive press and speech acts State controlled or communist model The state govt controls the press Subversive speech acts are not tolerated China Myanmar Social Responsibility model Works under the premise that the press should be concerned with social good press seen as fourth estate watch dogs America and European medias Libertarian Model Values extreme individualism and constant criticism of the government opposes all restrictions of speech and personal freedoms Counter culture non mainstream media Media in support of under representation groups The media is regulated by the FCC The print media tend to have the most freedom given that freedom of the press is in the constitution Broadcast media has tighter restrictions because air time is consider a national public resource The Internet is changing so fast that it is hard for regulators to keep up especially with privacy and bullying issues Media industry self regulation Ex Movie ratings system G PG PG13 R NC17 Speech not protected by 1st amendment includes Sedition and obscenity Libel written broadcasted defamation of character not like slander which is only spoken concerned with reputation and likelihood Copyright infringement Privacy violations

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UNT JOUR 2000 - Ethics & Law

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