GEOG 110 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Review Introduction to what is Geography Studies human activity the natural environment and the relationship between the two Understanding the interconnections of geography to all aspects of life is KEY to solving problems Big Points Globalization versus Regionalization We use geography to understand the struggle between o Power territory and resources among people governments and countries You need to understand another county culture nation etc before responding to their needs or your own Bombing a culture into submission vs winning their hearts and minds o Conquering is very different from ruling o Forced submission does not work True leaders take care of the people who need their help not take advantage of them o A balance is needed in order for progress and success profitability humanity This is the KEY to success Five Themes of Geography o Location o Place o Human and environmental interaction o Movement o Region Chapter 3 Russia Federation background Focus after WWI was industrialization at the cost of the people Corruption o Constant rise and fall unstable o Survived this instability because of size too big to fail Physical Patterns o Each area is unique and has a different climate and ecosystem o Some features Volga river Uruals Mountains the boundary between Asia and Europe West Siberian Plain permafrost farming V Central Siberian Plateau Pacific Mountain Zone very very cold Semiarid grassland Steppe Tundra frozen year round Traga Barren Uplands mountain range High Mountains Pamir Kush Tian Shan Altai Religion o Eastern Orthodox Catholicism o Soviets did not like religion Russia didn t like Jews Climate o Arid little water Desert region of central Asia o Bitterly cold winters Winters are extreme o North harshest winters on Earth o Short summers no rain Environmental Issues o Industrialization i e Norilsk mining operations people just put there for labor can only leave by train or rich can fly o Exploitation of natural resources o Water issues Dams changing environment and ecosystems Reversed flows of rivers from irrigation drained Aral Sea Increase vulnerability to climate change Losers pastoral nomads Rise of Russia o Nomadic pastoralist o Slavs o Mongols Ivan IV created Russian Empire in 1552 o Czar o Iron fisted leaders o Repeating pattern Iron fisted leaders that take all come into power Then a revolution assimilate new places into their culture russification repeat Communist Revolution o Took the ideals of Karl Marx equality in every way o Fascism dictatorship Czar Serfdom was abolished by the Czar and the rich bought all the land plan backfired Issue of Rich vs Poor established Vladimir Lenin started to lead a revolution o Idealist true equality powerful federal government that absorbed everyone This did not work out because Russia is too corrupt Working class wanted the power and were willing to fight for it Stalin took over after Lenin s death o Wanted a command economy and expanded territory o He was a monster killed 34 60 million people through the secret police and starvation o WWII Lost 23 million people but won by throwing people at the issue and the Russian Winter o Cold War Berlin wall Split Germany by dividing communist and noncommunist Themes of Russia o Corruption in an inhospitable place o We re not that different corporate greed vs common man o Russia winter is the greatest weapon o Different Societies respond to issues based on experience o Have to understand to either take advantage or work with them Divide and conquer or nurture change o We fail with our actions money employees o Messages are being written to support political side instead of truth Key terms for ch 3 Apparachik a state bureaucrat in the Russian Communist Party during the Soviet era Aridity a characteristic of a climate with insufficient moisture to support trees or woody plants Bolshevik the majority faction of the Communist Party that led a successful revolution against the tsar in Russia in 1917 Civil Society a network of social groups and cultural tradition that operate independently of the state and its political institution Cold War the period between WWII and 1990 in which the US and the Soviet Union established their roles as global powers Command Economy a national economy in which all aspects of production and distribution are centrally controlled by government agencies Commonwealth of Independent states a forum for discussing the management of economic and political problems including defense issues transport and communications regional trade agreements and environmental protection members are Russia Belarus Ukraine Central Asian states and some Transcaucasus states Dry farming arable farming techniques that allow the cultivation of crops without irrigation in regions of limited moisture Ethnonationalism nationalism based on ethnic identity Geosyncline a geological depression of sedimentary rocks Glasnost Gorbachev s official policy change initiated in 1985 in the Soviet Union that stressed open government and increased access to information as well as a more honest discussion about the country s social issues and concerns Internationalist a person who believes in equal rights for all nations and wants to break down national barriers and end ethnic rivalries Khan the ruler or leader in the central Asian Muslim kingdoms Mafiya organized crime groups in nations such as Chechnya Azerbaijan and Georgia Near Abroad independent states that were formally republics of the soviet union Nomadic pastoralist a person who herds animals by moving from place to place and carefully and deliberately following rainfall and plant growth to maintain their flocks Northwest passage the ice choked waterway spanning the Artic Sea between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans north of the Canadian and Russian main lands Oligarch a business leader who wields significant political and economic power Permafrost a permanently frozen subsoil which may extend for several meters below the surface layer and may defrost up to a depth of a meter or so during summer months Pluralist Democracy a society in which members of a diverse group continue to participate in their traditional cultures and special interest Privatization the turnover or sale of state owned industries and enterprises to private interests Samizdat Publications dissident or banned literature produced through systems of clandestine printing and distribution in the Soviet Union and communist countries of
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