ZOL 341 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Electrophoresis II Restriction endonucleases III RFLP IV Molecular probes V Heterozygote advantage Outline of Current Lecture II Chromatin remodeling III Epigenetic modifications IV Chromosome bands V Chromatin Current Lecture chromatin remodeling displacement of nucleosomes to expose promoter and other regulatory sequences chemical modifications to histones in nucleosomes are epigenetic marks or epigenetic modifications control how tightly DNA and nucleosomes bind together epigenetic modifications consist of addition or removal of chemical groups such as methyl or acetyl groups to the N terminal ends of the proteins methyl groups further compaction reduce transcriptional activity acetyl groups undo compaction increase transcription transmitted during cell division or reproduction These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute chromosome banding chromosome bands appear light or dark when chromosomes are treated with specific dyes and stains chromatin euchromatin regions that contain actively expressed genes and are less condensed during interphase heterochromatin regions that remain condensed in interphase and contain fewer expressed genes facultative heterochromatin variable condensation that is related to levels of transcription of resident genes constitutive heterochromatin permanently condensed found in centromeres and telomeres composed primarily of repetitive DNA sequences
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