HIST107 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Papal Monarchy II The Machinery of Papal Governance a The Papal Curia III IV V Faith Sacraments and Society Papacy and Empire after the Gregorian Reform Clerical Criticism Outline of Current Lecture I The Apostolic Life Cistercian Order II Poverty and Piety III Women and Mysticism Current Lecture Devotion through Mysticism Lay Piety The Apostolic Life Cistercian Order Changes throughout laity in the 12th and 13th centuries The Bishop of Rome claims a spiritual authority over the Christian Church from the power of Peter o Image from last lecture Church of the Four Crowns Rome depicts the idea that Constantine surrenders political power to the Pope The Pope begins to attain political power as well as spiritual papal monarchy These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Throughout the 12th and 13th many people began to criticize the ways in which the papacy and clergy were spreading and depicting the Christian faith The vita apostolica the Cistercians 1098 foundation at Citeaux under Robert of Molesme o Lay brothers and sisters conversi Men and women who are not monks but affiliate themselves with a Cistercian monastery quasi monastic lifestyle shows that Cistercian religious sentiments are radiating throughout the larger society o Laid out a form of monastic discipline Voluntary renunciation of property a life of preaching in poverty to show commitment to God This newly prominent idea is increasingly enforced by preachers and church figures Europe is becoming increasingly wealthy in the 12th century etc which causes people to question the place of wealth in Christian society leads many to support simplistic impoverished lifestyles Bernard of Clairvaux 1090 1153 famous Cistercian preacher and mysticist o Image Bernard defeating the Devil French ms ca 1300 o Withdraws from the world lives a simple apostolic life o White monks don t even die their robes to show a commitment to this simplicity o Image Cistercian abbey Fontenay Located away from cities to distance themselves from civilization Cistercian architecture is very plain simple bare particularly for monastaries Visiting Europe ca 1000 and then again in 1200 a newly diverse landscape Cistercians and Marian Devotion o New emphasis on Mary as the mother of God as someone to be prayed to in times of adversity Image Notre Dame de la Brune 1100s Burgandy Church of St Philbert Bernard becomes very important for supporting devotion to Mary Bernard of Clairvaux Homily on the Virgin Mary mid 1100s The Cistercians are just one example of new religious orders developing at this time period Poverty and Piety There are also religious changes occurring outside of the papacy particularly in urban areas o Ex Peter Waldo Lyons 1170s decides his wealth is a danger to his soul and gives away his possessions to live a life of poverty o Waldensians followers of Waldo and his lifestyle of evangelical poverty They are permitted to do so but forbidden to preach Waldo continues to preach Waldensians are condemned in 1184 Francis of Assisi 1182 1226 o Has a conversion experience and commits himself to poverty preaching wandering Life of Francis Thomas Celano 1206 describes how Francis practically rejected his old life in front of the bishop o Followers beg preach etc it was thought that Francis s preaching was so powerful that even animals would listen to him o Intense devotion to Christ the stigmata wounds of Christ actually appear on Francis s body Image French ms 1400s angel is imprinting the wounds onto his body looks like lasers o Francis meets with Pope is permitted to continue preaching Women and Mysticism New opportunities arise for women religious involvement ex Poor Clares Clare of Assisi 1194 1253 one of the first to see Francis preaching and has her own conversion experience dedicates herself to apostolic life and gains a group of followers o The Poor Clares not allowed to preach but become a recognized group End up leading lives a lot like Benedictine Monks restricted o Clare of Assisi Testament weak in body but strong through spirit Mary Oignies and Jacques de Vitry s Life of Mary of Oignies o Mary of Oignies was one of the first Beguines communities of women living together for purposes of prayer and religious devotion continue to work o Description of the Beguines of Ghent 1328 Highlights how some of the clergy support these groups others are extremely suspicious and critical there should be a presence of a priest to help them interpret the bible In 1311 some Beguines are condemned and shut down by the Pope Images Women Christ s Body fasting and feasting o Bernard with Virgin 1290 powerful symbol of female sanctity Mary is lactating into Bernard s mouth symbolic of spiritual sustenance o Christ as a women exposing flesh and feeding the bread flesh to a Poor Clare There is a mystical component to these new beliefs
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